A Very Full House

A Very Full House 0.25.3


Patch Notes


Added Nerd gloryhole encounter.
Added Jock gloryhole encounter.
Added new gloryhole clickable art.
(Patron only) Added new Busty outfit and one alternative texture.
Added new crowd bathroom encounter.
Bathroom can now be entered at CL1 (previously 3); now cost of some stress. Enables some events earlier than was previously possible.
Added new Busty bathroom encounter.
Added new Nerd text event at work.
Added new phone background.
Added new MCILF masturbation chore (Triggers at CL3+ after 5+ orgasms).
Added basic phone interactions with the Bully.
Added short Bully/Busty phone interaction when unlocking new phone background.
Added work masturbation scene, available once you have the masturbation chore.
Added option to buy pizza if you're busy running detention. Allows you to complete the dinner chore in exchange for money.