A Very Full House

A Very Full House 0.27.2


Patch Notes


Major Update Features
New Firebrand Content! - The Firebrand, that small titty, huge booty pain in your ass, has a whole bunch of new content added for her. Talking to her now gives you some basic options to tease, flirt, and generate Control with her. As she becomes more corrupted you'll need to find other ways to build that control - possibly with the help of some nearby boys . She's also got some new event branches scattered around in her other interactions!

Standardized Arousal/Control Values! - I combed through the whole AVFH script and standardized (almost) all of the arousal and control values given by events. That will make future events more consistent, and lets me tweak values for balance purposes. Am I the only person excited by this? Oh well; I still think it's cool!

Better Menu Feedback! - I've added support for a bunch of new menu options, which means more options will show you why they're disabled, rather than not appearing. I'll be making more use of this going forward, which should make it easier to see where cool content is waiting to be found.

Extra Art, Nerd, and Slacker Events! - Firebrand got most of the writing attention, but the Nerd and Slacker both get to enjoy some new events with her. I've also added a collection of new phone backgrounds from my recent Twitter art spree - keep an eye out for a text from the Slacker to unlock them!

Refactored how menu options are handled internally. Now handled by MiraMenuOption class.
Added support for "last_resort" menu option; when flagged option(s) will only be visible if all non-last-resort options are unavailable.
Updated (almost) all existing arousal and control function calls to draw from a standard list of values for more consistency between events.
Solo climaxes no longer satisfy climax chores for NPCs.
Added basic "Guilt" and "Tease" control options for the Firebrand.
Added "Kiss" control option for the Firebrand.
Added extra assignable chores for the Jock, Nerd, and Slacker related to the Firebrand. (unlocked after trying her "kiss" control option)
Added "cooldown_tag" parameter for menu options. Checks if a timed tag is present, disables the option and displays time remaining if it is.
Added three Firebrand specific options for generating Control.
Added two basic Firebrand tease options.
Added "tag_requirement" as menu requirement option. Takes a tuple of (tag, description), and locks the option if the tag is not present.
Added "npc_tag_requirement" as menu requirement option. Functionally identical to tag_requirement, but is displayed along with other NPC requirements.
Added new Firebrand + Nerd TV branch, unlocked with one of the new chore options.
Added new phone backgrounds, unlocked via (random) Slacker text events.
Added Firebrand x Slacker event when both are in the basement (by, for example, having Slacker do laundry, then tidying Firebrand's room).