A Very Full House

A Very Full House 0.31


Patch Notes


Added washing dishes event for Nerd if you interact with him after telling him to do the dishes.
Added washing dishes event for the Jock if you interact with him after making him do the dishes.
Added stub event for the Cheerleader if you interact with her after making her do the dishes.
Added a footrub event for Jock if you have a nap while he's in the room. Can grant corruption points.
Added a "cock_frame" frame for MCILF for use in any events that need one not tied to a specific male character.
Added an "aroused" expression for MCILF.
Added a new event when doing laundry.
Added a new event when coming back to the shower (if the Nerd is CL2+, 50+ Nerd Arousal).
MCILF arousal now only drops by 50 when masturbating with CL3 or higher.
Extended chore list app screen so it uses up the whole phone screen.