A Very Full House

A Very Full House 0.6.1


Patch Notes


- Fixed unintended loop when shortening Cheerleader's skirt.
- Fixed crash when triggering Cheerleader's clothing fix quest by talking to her.
- ChoreList now supports lists of tags for .has_tag and .use_tag. Convenient for writing triggers for some events.
- Person interact now correctly places the MCILF at the start of the person list (was causing issues previously)
- Character display now properly handles not having the MCILF being displayed at all.
- Fixed Slacker retreating off of the screen when he was embarrassed (and probably other related bugs).
- Fixed socks not actually being hidden when they were removed.
- Fixed MCILF not entering screen properly when interacting with an object.
- Fixed MCILF taking off bra twice in one event (instead of the much more interesting and logical shirt THEN bra).