Howdy folks!
Hope you’re all well, it’s been a minute. We’ve been busy with chaos and development in the studio and I’m happy to confirm that a much needed patch has landed live. This attends to major issues that have been solved with outright bug fixes but also design improvements so I’m not going to divide ‘em into features or bug fixes. Instead there will be one ominous category referred to as “The Lot”.
Below the notes, I wanted to share some studio insight into why this patch took the time that it did. Check that out if that sort of insight interests you. The TLDR is that we sincerely appreciate your patience as we worked on these bugs and we really hope you dig it.
The Lot
- Fixed players who disconnect or abandon not being correctly replaced with AI
- The Party Menu now contains a "Go To Multiplayer" option that will take your straight to the Multiplayer Game Select screen.
- Stranger Games rulesets are now back! Click on the "?" on the game mode panel to see this week’s rules.
- Custom Private Multiplayer games are back, the party leader can change and set custom rules after you've started a Private game.
- Fixed drop shadows on main menu items being drawn twice
- Fixed an issue where Skeeve's Shop could not be exited if opened from the inventory screen
- The public multiplayer queue now prevents lobbies that contain AI from entering it
- Fixed extra peril symbols added by curse of fate not recognizing burned rot cards.
- Updated multiple areas where white text was hard to read against the tapestry background.
- Updated alignment of buttons in the GDPR mode select screen
- Fixed Hero mastery XP earned while offline not correctly syncing when a connection is re-established
- Fixed Hero select portrait tiles layering above the clan banner in hero select
Known Issue
- If a player fails to complete hero select for an online game in the time allowed, buttons may become unresponsive. It is safe to abandon and seek a new game if this occurs
So I wanted to make a few acknowledgements and perhaps open a little window into our dev process. First and foremost, I want to recognise that the bugs that shipped with v2.0, along with the time that it has taken to remedy them is unacceptable. Those that have been cutting down hordes of AFK AI, and those bummed that they can’t mess with House Rules in their game nights - we see you, and thank you for sticking around long enough to read this.
As to the why, our biggest issues boil down to resources at the moment. The studio is growing rapidly to support expanding ventures both old and new, and how we make games is completely different to what it was when Armello was just a wee child. Ah the simplicity of so few platforms, the lack of server infrastructure. They were beautiful, basic days.
Our processes are changing and growing and we're on the hunt for key people to assist us in that growth. Luckily we
are hiring, and we are doing our best to scour the globe for talented folks to join the crew. Hey, if that’s you - please hit us up.
I say this to provide insight rather than excuse. Every time we cook the goose, and we’ve done our fair share of goose cooking (bird clan unconfirmed), we learn a little more and we grow a little more. Your continued support is why we do this stuff, and we are sensitive to the fact that ruined experiences for you, ultimately hurt us.
Sincerely, thank you for your extended patience. I hope you dive into some custom games and immolate each other’s faces off. Tear down some friendships and have fun while doing it. May the dice roll in your favour, and ours.
<3 Darcy & the LoG Squad