
Armello 2.0.3

Version Date
July 11, 2019

Patch Notes

Update v2.0.3 - Improvements to Party Widget, Offline Mode + MORE!

Hello folks!

Hope you're well! This here powerful patch, v2.0.3 comes with significant improvements to core systems and a few essential odds and ends. Once again, may of these features were inspired by community suggestion so keep it up! We're here, we're listening and we're making it happen.

From here, as discussed in our latest big roadmap, we are going to be directing our efforts to ⚡⚡*LIGHTNING STRIKES IN THE DISTANCE*⚡⚡ juicy gameplay oriented content and a rad new DLC pack (along with some Switch stuff for our Nintendo friends). Tell us what you'd like to see and maybe, JUST MAYBE we'll be able to fit it in.


<3 Darcy & the LoG Team


  • Added a “Match Ready” sound effect that plays when matchmaking is complete.
  • Hero Experience bars are now coloured relevant to clan, rather than just blue.
  • Added a “Do not show me again” option to the computer recommended specs notification on game launch. We may expand this to apply for players below minimum specs in the future
  • Interactive quest UI now has sound.
  • Implemented a “Community Localiser” badge for folks who have contributed worthy additions to our community localisation tool. News on how to get this will be coming out soon.
  • Removed mention of the old LoG forums from the bug sender.

Party Widget Improvements
  • Party Widget now animates down and up in “drawer” like fashion
  • Party Widget menu flow has been redesigned. Current options are as follows…
  • - Invite Friends - Recruit AI / Dismiss AI (Context sensitive) - Stop Search / Leave Party (Context sensitive) - Start Private Game (Autofills party with AI and opens Multiplayer Game mode selection) - Start Public Game (Opens Multiplayer Game mode selection, which will prompt player matchmaking)
  • Moved “Party Matchmaking” toggle option to Multiplayer Game Mode selection screen.
  • Party Widget menu items now have tooltips.
  • Party Widget “Back” button resized to align with other menu standards.

Offline Mode Communication Improvements
  • Implemented an “Offline” icon that appears in key places when an internet connection cannot be made, or a player has chosen to remain offline. When relevant, you will find this on a few key locations as follows…
  • - On main menu, instead of the Party Widget icon. - On main menu, next to greyed out “Multiplayer” option. - In Hero Mastery Menu. - At end of game, when Hero experience would be granted.


  • Fixed an issue causing Jewellery box unlock progress to not record correctly sometimes.
  • Fixed an issue where the world would turn into one flat colour.
  • Out of client Steam invites now correctly work as intended.
  • Public games should now start correctly if a player is still in their loadout screen when the timer runs out.
  • Plague Bearers now correctly removes Prestige instead of granting it.
  • Crooks effect has been temporarily reverted to its old effect as it’s new effect caused a flow break in the prologue. This will be reintroduced at a later date.
  • Barnaby's Forerunner skin once again shows it’s correct texture.
  • Seasons DLC has had it's icon/image restored in Skeeve's Shop.
  • Adjusted text on some Jewellery’s unlock condition to accurately reflect 2 games rather than the displayed 3.
  • Fixed an issue where Chrysocolla and Spyglass had their effects swapped.
  • Tooltips on the main menu no longer overlap those of the newsfeed buttons.
  • Found and safely returned some missing Boast icons in the Hero Mastery screen (they were on holiday).
  • Added updated localisation for 2.0.2 features and strings.


  • We're tracking some edge cases causing reconnect to not function correctly (potentially if a player tries to rejoin exactly as a King's Declaration is taking place). Send us your logs/bug reports!

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