
Armello 2.1

Version Date
Oct. 16, 2019

Patch Notes

The Dragon Clan Update - Hotfix v2.1p2

Thank you so much to everyone who is playing and enjoying The Dragon Clan! We loved working on this Clan so much and are so happy you're all enjoying it. Here's a big hotfix that just went live.

Below you'll find some information on known issues, which are currently our highest priority in the studio. Thanks for your patience and your bug reports, you should hear from us soon.

- Woody, Executive Producer.


  • Fixed an issue where Rot dealt by the Tremolite ring would not be removed correctly at the end of turn, resulting in various game breaking issues.
  • Tremolite ring no longer adds Rot to the King, which can lead to various game breaking issues.
  • Fixed an issue with Dragon Clan Rot quests causing missmatching Rot amounts with other players, resulting in various game breaking issues (such as being stuck in combat)
  • Lavender Smoke dice is no longer a soulless grey cube and has been returned to its full lavender and smokey glory.
  • Fixed an issue where the Dragon Clan quests would auto select when using a controller.
  • Lobby leaders will be able to correctly see the recruited A.I in 'Match Ready' pop ups.
  • Diplomat and Warlock Follower cards are now correctly animating.
  • Fixed an issue where particularly tall heroes were still visible in the match finalise screen when the UI is dismissed.
  • Fixed a rare case where players could enter the public match queue with A.I combatants in their lobby
  • Fixed Season 1 - 6 chests opening to a blank page when the 'Open Marketplace' button is clicked in Inventory screen.
  • Additional fixes have been added for players attempting to reconnect.
  • Fixed the spelling of Agniya's Hero Power "Consecrate".
  • Logging and speculative fixes added for an issue with Oxana's Hero Power causing issues in combat.
  • Bane's now have a status feed entry for being enthralled.
  • Fixed an issue where Nazar's censer would leave trials of smoke all over the place, classic Nazar.

Known Issues/Issues in progress:

  • Oxana's Hero Power is proving to have some issues in combat, we've added a fix and logging to this but are still investigating.
  • Joining a Multiplayer game while playing Singleplayer has a chance to NMA/break the client.
  • Bandit Clan is missing their 6th ring that they usually "requisition" from the other clans.
  • Controller support for the first Dragon Clan quest is inverted.
  • Dragon Clan members may make some seemingly wolf like sounds upon death, they're just trying to fit in.
  • Serpentine Ring is not correctly unlocking after winning 5 games with The Dragon Clan.
  • The 'Fog of War' Kings Declaration may effect Nazar and his illusion incorrectly.