
Armello 2.1.1

Version Date
Oct. 30, 2019

Patch Notes

Dragon Clan Patch v2.1.1 is LIVE!

Howdy folks,

Hope you're all well. Just popping in to give you the patch notes for a little patch that went live just earlier. As always, please reach out if you have any questions!

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue where Agniya would incorrectly play her Hero Power animation on a mutal death
  • Fixed an issue where if the Bandit Clan DLC was not installed, it could cause the Jewellery Box's U.I to lock
  • Fixed Dragon Clan heroes not appearing translucent when in stealth (to the local player only).
  • Nazar's Illusion Card has now been added to the Card Gallery
  • Improvements to the reconnection feature for players who time-out mid-game.

Known Issues
  • Dragon Clan hero's incorrectly play the Bandit Clan motif when selected in Hero Select.
  • Card movement issues when a card is selected/moved in game.
  • Nazar's illusion can sometimes display the incorrect message when a card is attempted to be played to it.
  • Hero Mastery items have a low chance of sometimes not being immediately awarded, we've made a fix to this and are tracking it closely.
  • Dragon Clan members may get an incorrect number of Rot test quests when they are corrupted.
  • The Chrysocolla ring is not correcrly awarding +1 Sword in combat.
  • Sporadic issues with the Mirror Cape treasure not copying items benefits correctly.
  • Minor localisation issues with the Palace Entry U.I prompts.
  • Hover text for cards is incorrectly displaying cost on the card type hover area.

<3 Darcy & the LoG Squad