
Armello July Update - Hotfix 2 is Live!

July Update - Hotfix 2 is Live!
Version Date
Aug. 5, 2018

Patch Notes

July Update - Hotfix 2 is Live!


Short and sweet, we got some fixes for you hot out of the codery oven.

Bug Fixes:

  • Banes once again correctly attack after dungeon spawn
  • Spirit Walkers now correctly do not play their attack animation when destroying Banes.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would not load if a user's Steam name contained certain special characters.
  • Drop Counter has returned to Multiplayer screen
  • Fixed an issue where the Commendation screen shows the count down timer to be 0 (even though it is counting down).
  • Fixed an issue where the Commendation screen will still wait for 30 seconds even if all other players have left

Known Issues:

  • May rarely get a 'do you want to recruit AI' prompt on Hero select
  • Skins do not appear transparent when stealthed (Local Player issue ONLY)