
Armello July Update - Hotfix 6

July Update - Hotfix 6
Version Date
Aug. 28, 2018

Patch Notes

July Update - Hotfix 6


Here's another scrumptious little hotfix right from the codery oven. A sincere thank you for your patience and bug reports.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a rare NMA occurring when entering combat with the King
  • Fixed a bug where players can remain with 0 health.
  • Fixed a bug when queuing for a public multiplayer game then accepting an invite to a private game, a ghost of you would be left in the queue (it would be cleared when the ghost didn't ready up).
  • Fixed a bug when playing a card on a creature that's just about to move would cause the card to be stuck in Waiting.
  • Various Server improvements have been applied around lobby behaviour.

Known Issues

  • Strange Games and Fury Friday are not behaving correctly, it has been delayed for the time being.
  • We are currently investigating an issue where spirit stone victories may not trigger correctly, awarding the victory to the prestige leader
  • MAC players may have disconnect issues or failure to connect issues if they have Armello open across multiple sessions e.g. 3 hrs plus.

As always please hit us up if we can help with anything!

<3 Darcy & the LoG Squad