Armello July Update - Hotfix 8
July Update - Hotfix 8
Version Date
Sept. 11, 2018
Patch Notes
July Update - Hotfix 8
Hey folks!
We missed posting that hotfix 7 notes, apologies! But here is a new hotfix for y'all.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an bug where you can create a Ghost from entering and quickly exiting a Multiplayer lobby.
- Fixed various a bug that related to various rare NMA's resulting in players being stuck in Combat. This bug also could be seen as the King not using dice.
- Fixed an issue where players adding DLC keys for things like Geek or Twitch Dice wouldn't see the DLC til after a game was completed.
- Fixed a bug where the Amethyst Ring wasn't correctly applying +2 Magic for burning Rot when equipped to Bandit Clan heroes.
Known Issues
- Steam Player profiles cannot be viewed (we've got another fix we're still testing, we've fixed multiple times but still no luck!)
- Rare NMA occuring when players leave a game.
- If players change their Dice Skin it will deselect their Signet or Amulet selection and put it to random.
Thanks again for all those who have submited bug reports!
Lisy & the LoG crew