Armello Party Queue Update is Live!
Party Queue Update is Live!
Version Date
Oct. 16, 2018
Patch Notes
Party Queue Update is Live!
The beta is now over and the party queue update is live!
- Party queuing is back! Players may now queue as a group again by converting their Private lobby to a Public one, and we have added a Find Parties: On/Off option on the multiplayer screen.
- Fixed an NMA caused by combat, perils or cards played (Blizzard or similar cards that caused a forced movement) which would result in some tiles sometimes being incorrectly blocked. This would seem to occur in a variety of ways but was ultimately based on any mechanic that forced movement.
- Fixed an issue where players would not be able to join a lobby via the 'Join Game' option on Steam once the lobby's leader had left.
Hop into multiplayer and let us know what you think, as usual.
Once again, thank you all for being patient and an additional thank you to all the folks that actually did play our beta and sent bug reports! ːsteamhappyː
<3 Lena and all the people of LoG