
Armello Stability, Reintroducing Party Queuing and the Updates Ahead!

Stability, Reintroducing Party Queuing and the Updates Ahead!
Version Date
Sept. 25, 2018

Patch Notes

Stability, Reintroducing Party Queuing and the Updates Ahead!

Hi, hello!

I'm here to talk about a few hot topics, and I've got some great news for all of you. Primarily I'm going to chat about Multiplayer Stability and our plans to reintroduce Party Queuing.

Just quickly in case you weren't in the loop, v2.0 is scheduled for late this year. Let the hype grow within.

As always, if you have any questions please feel free to hit the comments below. Make yourself a cup of tea and let's get into it.

Multiplayer Stability

According to our analytics, Armello is officially more stable than it's ever been. Talkin’ specifics, the game completion rate is far better than it’s ever been, and NMAs (no more action soft-locks) have reduced by over 1500%. That’s *big*.

Why, you ask? Well kind friends, our new Dedicated Servers are to thank. Their introduction was a little rocky, we know, but we're really thankful we weathered the storm as we're currently living in a new, stable future.

For those keen on more details, including juicy numbers, LoG lead developer, Karl Burdack, is preparing an in-depth retrospective of our multiplayer services - why we made certain decisions, what bugs arose and the actions we've taken over the years to make improvements. This will be released in the form of an extensive Steam announcement over the next week or so, so keep an eye out for that.

Party Queuing

Party Queuing is coming back to Armello. With the implementation of the new Dedicated Server tech and new multiplayer menu flow, the functionality of queuing for public games as a party of 2-3 was removed. We were comfortable releasing a build like this, as a large complaint had been that friends were relentlessly and unfairly targeting solo players, in the hopes of benefiting their "team".

Much like any tabletop game where several players gang up on one player, this isn't fun.

Naturally we understand that the majority of friends jumping into the public queue together do play Armello in the spirit it was intended, and the feedback we received after the change addressing teaming was clear. Armello was always intended to be played with friends, and we need a solution that caters for folks who want to queue with their pals, whilst protecting folks from being matched with malicious teamers.

This issue is inherently dividing. Some like how it is now, and others like how it was. So the big question was, why can't we have both? Well, you can.

Matchmaking with Parties will be an option that can be toggled on and off at will.

PLEASE NOTE: This is a work in process screenshot. Final implementation may vary, including wording etc.

If you'd prefer to match with solo players only, turn Find Parties off. If you don't mind the possibility of being matched with a party of 2-3 players and are looking for the fastest queue times, then turn Find Parties on. Simple as that!

This solution provides choice, and puts the power in your hands to play as you like. Please also know that this whole system will be improved for v2.0, which makes it the perfect time to give us feedback! We're excited about it and I hope you are too.

Okay so when?!

An update will come out within the next few weeks, reintroducing the ability to matchmake as a party of 2-3 players. We'll shout loudly when it happens to let you know. From then, we'll be here with fixes and improvements where necessary, but we'll also be hard at work focusing on hot secret content for v2.0.

That's it! I hope this news is well received because the LoG squad is fighting to restore and protect Armello for every type of player. Whether it's stability or queuing, we're out here listening, looking for the best solutions. We hope you appreciate it.

As always, if I can help with anything please hit me up.


<3 Darcy & the LoG Squad

EDIT: Clarity