Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint 2

Version Date
June 27, 2024

Patch Notes

Major Milestone "GENESIS" - New Game v2, Steam Deck, and the Summer Sale!

Update #100(!!) is here with full cRPG character creation for your Cyber Knight, and more. Enjoy 34%-off for the Steam Summer Sale!

New Game v2

Desire for more fine-grained control over your Knight's stats has been a consistent drumbeat of feedback we've heard from you all, and now the new New Game experience is ready to offer it! You can now choose your own background, traits, and attribute bonuses for your Knight, dive into visual customization if you want, then select your starting squad members.

Backgrounds come with some inherent stat bonuses, open up new trait options for more, add tags that our Casting Director story engine uses to select storylines for your Knight, and offer context for your roleplaying, explaining how your character started down this path of underworld connections that eventually lead to becoming a Cyber Knight. We'll add more background options over time.

You then have 12 points to spend on your 4 Attributes: Reaction, Strength, Will, and Tech. You can spend up to 6 points on one attribute and no more than 5 on any other single attribute. Traits you select may also grant attribute bonuses.

Finally, Traits grant special stat bonuses and can grow over time as your Knight achieves limit breaks and can potentially choose trait upgrades as a reward (check the Cyber Knights wiki for trait upgrade stats). You can choose one background-specific trait and one Knight-specific trait during knight creation.

Thanks to all in our Discord who shared feedback on this system's preview! It's a great addition to the game, emphasizing the Knight's role as your main character. Experienced players will consider their long-term planned build to find the best synergies, and (if needed) re-spec their Knight's starting talents once they reach the Safehouse

You can also now view starting talents for your team members during squad selection, helping new players make more informed choices about if they want to start with an Agent EX or Vanguard, a Sniper or a Scourge, etc.

New keybindings for talents, Reload, Yield & Delay

We've added new, configurable keybindings for selecting talents, reloading, and Yielding or Delaying in the initiative order. You can now by default press 1-9 to select your talents rather than needing to mouse down to the action bar, press R to reload, Y to Yield, or U to Delay.

We helped enemies go faster with the Skip Enemy Turn feature in update #98, now it's your turn! 😄

Controller & Steam Deck improvements

This update brings major improvements to playing with a controller or on Steam Deck. We've smoothed out navigation, scrolling, screen transitions, and made it so that the Steam virtual keyboard now appears for all controller types.

We have a final round of Steam Deck testing to do and a new default controller configuration to set up for it in the next few days, and then we'll submit for Steam Deck verification. 🙌 If you're playing on a Steam Deck now, we'd love to hear any feedback or suggestions for the new default controller configuration.

Summer Sale deals, help us spread the word?

It's awesome to reach update #100 already, and you know more updates (including another major feature addition) are right around the corner. If you're enjoying Cyber Knights, we'd love your help getting the word out about it! Please give the game a shout-out to your friends (maybe check your Steam friends list to see who's played similar games like XCOM 2 or Shadowrun) and suggest us to anyone you see looking for great games in the Steam Summer Sale!

Cyber Knights is 34%-off, a great deal for a game with as much replayability as we're building into it. We're pumping the sales now during EA, but will be scaling back discount %s as we get closer to full launch.

And if you're looking for more deals during the Steam Summer Sale, all our previous games are on sale right now too! Great time to pick up the Best of Trese Brothers bundle for more deep RPGs and tactics games to dive into:

v1.7.9 - 6/27/24

- All new cRPG style Knight Creator in new game - select your background, assign attributes, pick your Traits, perfect your look
- Once you've optimized your Knight for your desired playstyle, assemble your team as usual and hit the ground heisting
- View starting Talents for your team characters (like Vanguard, Agent EX) to make more informed choices
- Tag now shown over the Command HQ showing the max and count of active tasks
- Major improvements and bug fixes to playing with a controller - navigation, scrolling, screen transitions fixes
- Steam virtual keyboard now appears for all controller types - Steam Deck, Big Picture Mode, controller in normal mode
- Added 10 new configurable keybindings for Talents (default 0-9)
- Added new configurable keybinding for Reload (default R)
- Added new configurable keybinding for Yield (default Y) and Delay (default U)
- Improved description of Scourge's Talent Reknit, removing all confusing language about duration
- Fixed some bad copies of SMG RapidFire that were for sale on market