Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Demo Update #12: Penultimate Demo Patch

Demo Update #12: Penultimate Demo Patch
Version Date
Sept. 4, 2023

Patch Notes

Demo Update #12: Penultimate Demo Patch

Update #12 is a quick follow-up some of the top feedback and bug reports we received during Strategy Fest. It is great to see so many new Knights minted at the Aug-Clinic and hope that the start of your new underworld career was a promising one.

We'll probably have one more patch this week to wrap up issues before closing down the demo for good on September 12th – so if you haven't had a chance to check it out in the last 3 months, it is time :D

Safehouse Tags

We've upgraded the display of Safehouse rooms to show off key metadata for reach type, including their current Power Level of their upgrade. In addition, we've displayed the different infrastructure support levels that each room has to support its currently installed upgrade – these will be key in planning out and setting up your Safehouse once that part of the game is enabled.

Finally – a most immediately useful – we've added tags to give immediate visibility into the status of what the room is focused on. The Barracks now displays the headcount of mercs who are ready to go, those who are injured, or off on a Legwork and the number of new recruits waiting around hoping to join up.

New Missions

In the safehouse tagging, you can now see how many missions are waiting for you at the Command HQ including the count of new missions which have been added without you yet having a chance to review their details. Once you drop into the Command HQ, you can easily find the missions by their "New Mission" tag and check them out, at which point they are marked as seen.

Fixed 2 Big Bugs

We had a number of reports of bugs during Strategy Fest so we were glad to be able to squash these two which had a pretty good number of reports.

Due to some gaps in the colliders setup on the stairs at the Hovercraft pad, it was possible if the timing was right for a character to suddenly go *poof* and end up under the stairs, forever stuck running in a circle … :facepalm: The colliders have been fixed and everyone should stay above the stairs.

The second bug came from a race condition with the end of a Turn and the use of a shock mine. in the case that a shock mine's detonation ended an enemy's action and that enemy was the last to go in the Turn, there was almost always a race condition error that froze the game in the Sec AI red overlay. It could also occur other times when a shock mine simply expired or went off *near* the end of the Turn. A huge thanks to everyone hitting F10 in these scenarios and helping us finally close this one for good.

Update Size Update

It looks like the changes we made may settle us near a 4 GB update size now that we can see how Steam's compare algorithm is working with our updated asset packaging. Better but not good enough!
So, back into the forge to further improve, tweak and reduce.

v0.6.139 - 9/4/2023

- Safehouse Roster and Command HQ get a set of helpful tags to count mercs ready, on legwork, wounded, recruits and missions new or ready
- Missions are now noted as New or not, updated as viewed
- Fixed bug cleaning up Shock mines correctly in some cases that could hang game in Sec AI processing
- Fixed movement lock up on stairs at hoverpad on Rooftop Demo level