Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Demo Update #9: Options Parade

Demo Update #9: Options Parade
Version Date
Aug. 17, 2023

Patch Notes

Demo Update #9: Options Parade

Demo Update #9 is going live with a big list of new game options to give you more control over your game camera, quality and performance and other key aspects of user input. In addition, we've fixed a ton of bugs reported by the community, further improved victory and defeat screens and highlighted some missing details from Talents that had been trained to change different aspects of their powers.

As always, we appreciate everyone playing, sharing feedback and hitting F10 on the game!

New Options Parade

We added 9 new options in total for this update, hitting most of the big requests we've heard from the community.
  • We added V-Sync as an option, split out from top line Quality option. Helpful!
  • We added a Texture Quality option ranging from Best to Good to Lowest which can help tune performance on your machine beyond the top line Quality option. Grand!
  • For improved control in multi-monitor setup or if your playing in windowed mode, we've added a Lock Cursor option that will keep your cursor in the window. Especially useful for Edge Scrolling (see below). Dicey!
  • There is now an option to disable all the special action cameras during combat. The camera doesn't move it all, it stays where you've placed it to see the action. Lovely!
  • There is checkbox to turn on Edge Scrolling if you like that easy way of panning around the map. You can also adjust the thickness of the Edge Scrolling Area which can help tune it for you. As your mouse gets into the edge scrolling area, the panning acceleration is determined by your ratio in the area. If you're hovering near the edge of it the pan will be slower than if you run up to the window edge. So, it can be nice to tweak the Edge Scrolling Area if you like having more control over the speed. Edgy!
  • Pretty straightforward - there are now percentage % sliders for panning speed and rotation speed for the camera. Useful!
  • While holding RMB (or configure this to another key) then any movement of the mouse will rotate the camera. If you dislike the default direction it rotates the camera when you move your mouse left or right you can now enable this option to flip the direction of the camera's rotation. Specific!

In Other Areas…

We've improved the display of earning a codename for your mercs after they've survived a mission and earned their first level up. The key part is surviving, someone tell Emille and Zasha.

We've gone through with an exciting rename of "Heist Advantages" (wha-whaa) to "Leverage" throughout the game, UI and dialog. It is a much more descriptive term that captures more of the heist feeling of the game.

We also improved the positioning of the mission map in the stage and mission Victory and defeat screens to reduce overlap of elements. It turns out centering the map in this screen wasn't that helpful.

We also just fixed a big pile of bugs, so thanks to everyone hitting F10!

If you haven't tried the demo yet, it offers:

  • Your first big heist to pull off! Find out how our turn-based squad tactics plays. See if you have the skills to use creative stealth, a variety of weapons, and the turn order itself to accomplish objectives in each map and get your crew out alive.
  • Six squad members in your roster; each brings a unique set of talents to your crew. In the full game you'll have opportunities to recruit new members, as well as access to multi-classing, extensive skill trees, weapon modding, cybernetics – everything you need to build out the perfect squads for your playstyle and the needs of the jobs you're taking on.
  • A glimpse of your main character's origins as a Cyber Knight. These elites of our dark future's underworld are rare and highly sought after. Knights have capabilities no one else in this world does – but it comes at a cost.
  • A first look at your safehouse; in the full game you'll have access to base-building features to expand this underground hideout, providing more opportunities to upgrade your team and expand your capabilities to take on bigger jobs as you make a name for yourself.
  • A preview of the choices you'll need to make in this shadowy world of mercenaries, secrets, and cyberpunks. How far will you go for a chance at a better life? What are you willing to risk for the extra credits or knowledge that could make a big difference for your crew? Who will you stay loyal to? Who can you trust?

v0.6.133 - 8/17/2023

New Options
- New option for Enabling V-Sync separate from Quality Setting
- New option for controlling texture quality (best/good/lowest) separate from Quality Setting
- New option for locking cursor to the window
- New option to disable Action Camera during combat
- New option for edges scrolling and edge scrolling area thickness
- New option for controlling camera panning speed
- New option for controlling camera rotation speed
- New option for reversing direction of camera rotation when holding key / RMB
Other Improvements
- Correctly displayed when mercs earned their new codenames
- Upgraded Trait display on Roster to show the description and backstory reasons for Traits
- Fixed issue where "Iron Grip" and other recover/heal Talents displayed recovery as 0
- Fixed Talent display where some buff/debuff elements added new by training were not displayed at all
- Improved alignment of victory/defeat screens to avoid too much UI overlap
- Improved display of HP bar / XP bar or "Level Up" upon stage/mission victory
- Fixed bug where two timeline events could display as selected
- Interacting a legwork on the timeline that is granting a Heist Advantage starts timeline playing correctly
- Renamed "Heist Advantages" to "Leverage"