Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint February Update

February Update
Version Date
March 3, 2023

Patch Notes

February Update

We are excited to share February’s progress and development with you. The team has been hard at work ensuring that the game meets the high standards of Trese Brothers for quality, depth of systems, replay and world building story.

The UX project is moving along smoothly and the entire feel of the main stealth-and-fight mission gameplay is hugely improved. As reported last month, our level designers are working daily on the L2 Mission Pipeline to create compelling stories spread across impressively challenging and beautiful areas of New Boston.

Overall, it’s been another big month and we’ve made a ton of progress. Let’s take a spin through some of the highlights!

Alpha v2 Update

In late February, we shared a private stream with the Alpha team to show off some of the finished progress, some of the work-in-progress and some things we are planning to work on in the coming months. This stream update really focused on the UI improvements to the game and the upgraded levels.

It was great to get together with the backers and get live feedback on what we've been working on. The new features that are bundled into the UX implementation got a lot of attention and positive vibes from the crew.

Cont. UX Implementation

The UX implementation project is continuing – it’s big and will go on for months now. Critically it includes major feature improvements, so it is not just a reskinning. The gameplay aspects – easy of play and quality of feedback/hints presented to the player – are improving dramatically with the project, all of which are key to providing the strategic planning experiences of a heist that is so key to Cyber Knights: Flashpoint.

We are closing in on finishing the main mission map changes and the next step will be to tackle the Matrix.

Cont. L2 Mission Pipeline

The L2 pipeline is roaring along daily. New stories are assembling and each demands that the levels it needs sign up with their 17-point checklist, ready to be reviewed in depth. In this L2 pass on levels, we’re focusing heavily on quality in every single level, being really picky and turning on our perfectionist cyber-eyes. It is paying off!

Improving Controller and Keyboard Support

The Alpha included enough control binding features and basic support for controllers for us to test what we needed, but it was far from finished. This month we have implemented a system we call control glyphs that are capable of representing any bound control in Cyber Knights: Flashpoint. A glyph could be a keyboard key, a controller axis, a complex multi-key binding with modifiers or mouse click. The controller glyphs can communicate the accurate glyph for your controller, mouse or keyboard and blend into a game’s overall UX. It has not been a simple feat to get the game to display your customized keyboard bindings, hot swap those to controller bindings based on your type of controller or handheld – XBox controller, Dual Shock, Steam Deck or Nintendo Switch – and back again if your hands wander back to the keyboard and mouse.

Ignore our ugly controller glyphs, the nice ones are coming!

In February, we have cracked this one as one of the last major hurdles in first class controller support for the game. As part of the UX reimplementation project, we’re also streamlining controls, simplifying the way controllers work and reducing overlap between bindings.

Reward and Stretch Goal Progress

For completeness, we include the progress bar infographic in each and every update. If you have any questions about rewards or stretch goals, check out the graphic or reach out to us.
We’re continuing to work on and refine the design of the Digital Artbook pages and push this reward toward completion.