Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint (Hotfixed!) Update #66: Street War on F10s

(Hotfixed!) Update #66: Street War on F10s
Version Date
March 25, 2024

Patch Notes

(Hotfixed!) Update #66: Street War on F10s

EDIT: Update #66 had a bug in it that could cause the camera to get stuck in some of the action camera shots if your attack resulted in a kill. A hotfix has now been pushed, If you don't see v1.4.43 on your main menu, restart Steam to be sure to get the fix.

Update #66 take a big swing at some of the most popular F10 bugs and some of the best feature suggestions we've received recently. We're excited to keep moving forward with a constant stream of updates, and especially ironing out the remaining bugs that can slow down a good run.

If you're enjoying the pace of updates and our turning your F10s into fixes and improvements, please take a moment to leave a review!

Empty Lootboxes Go Gray

If a lootbox is empty, its highlight color will now immediately be gray instead of a bright golden yellow. This is a huge help for turning on highlight with "H" (by default) and checking where you may still need to loot. There isn't much more to it, but it's so useful! So thanks to the wise player who dropped in thsi great F10 :D

Details and Hover for Dump Shock and Combat Drugs

Key buffs and debuffs that were missing from the hover over your character's heads as well as the extended status screen you can access by double click on a character's head in the Initiative timeline. Especially for the debilitating Dump Shock, knowing how long it will last and its total effects is a big help to Hackers who have taken a boot to the side of the head in the form of lethal feedback from the matrix IC.

Improved Mission Tagging

The new mission tags for Gold Key Loot Areas got us looking and talking to players about other tag improvements. We've taken quick action to improve the set and give more detail about the different stages of missions that can help you plan the best heist, especially with multi-stage heists like Carnivore and Sibling Breakout.

First, we've combined what was previously two tags "Stealth (optional)" and "Combat (optional)" into a single tag "Mixed Stealth and Combat" that sums it up nicely - any mix of stealth and combat abilities can be used to succeed at this mission stage. In many cases, combat may be required if the plan starts to fall apart. This is nice to get one tag back, as we've also added new tags.

With Update #66, we've added Red Key Door and Blue Key Door tag to all mission stages that include them. This can be extra helpful when the keys are useful across multiple stages (like Sibling Breakout) or only appear in a late stage (like Cube Run). In addition, once Leverages start popping up that offer hacked, counterfeit or stolen keys, these tags will be extra helpful in helping you decide if those Leverages match well with your chosen path through a heist.

Targeting Inconsistencies

We've fixed about 80 F10s about different cases of targeting inconsistencies with this patch. There were multiple issues, but we've completed a deep dive on the code paths to find where there were inconsistencies and figured out some really minor - but highly impactful - issues that could cause enemies right at the edge of your range to come in and out of range based on swapping weapons, firing modes or even just hitting TAB (by default) to page to the next target.

This also has the effect of fixing the small remaining set of cases where a melee weapon indicates it can make an attack in the bottom left but still can't when the time comes to swing.

It's a huge step up in consistency of attacking, so thanks to everyone for helping guide us to these big fixes.

Fixed Lockdown Station Auto-Defeat

In the most recently added proc-gen map, Lockdown Station, some times a Kill 3 objective could result in a map starting without any players on it and an immediate defeat. If you're stuck there or have experienced it, this bug is now fixed.

v1.4.41 - 3/25/2024

- Dump Shock and Combat Drug debuff/buffs show up correctly in merc hover and mid-mission status screen
- Lootboxes that are empty highlight in gray instead of gold to make them easier to ignore on map
- Improved mission tagging - now includes tags for Blue and Red Key Doors where they appear
- Combined "Stealth (optional)" and "Combat (optional)" tags into single "Mixed Stealth and Combat" tag
- Improved stage description for Sibling Breakout South Hover Pad to be more clear about its advantage (ez access to Blue Key)
- Fixed bug in Lockdown Station level with Kill 3 captain objective that could lead to auto-defeat
- Fixed issues with enemy being in range changing when swapping weapons, modes or UI paths of starting attack
- Fixed issue with save slots not always updating when Knight is renamed