Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Play the Next Fest Demo this Week + Update #5

Play the Next Fest Demo this Week + Update #5
Version Date
June 27, 2023

Patch Notes

Play the Next Fest Demo this Week + Update #5

With Steam Next Fest behind us, we're excited to keep the demo up for a while longer for anyone who missed it during the Fest or is just finding Cyber Knights now. The Aug-Clinic is waiting, you have a $2m debt to the Syndicates and its time to get your spinal implant, Cyber Knight. The nights of 2231 await you and your merc company - so demo up!

We've got one more quality patch here to push today and then we expect that the update train will stop or at least slow down to once a week.

As always, a big thank you, Knights! to everyone who played the demo, shared the game, told a friend or hit F10 to report anything that wasn't exactly as it should be.

If you haven't tried the demo yet, it offers:

  • Your first big heist to pull off! Find out how our turn-based squad tactics plays. See if you have the skills to use creative stealth, a variety of weapons, and the turn order itself to accomplish objectives in each map and get your crew out alive.
  • Six squad members in your roster; each brings a unique set of talents to your crew. In the full game you'll have opportunities to recruit new members, as well as access to multi-classing, extensive skill trees, weapon modding, cybernetics – everything you need to build out the perfect squads for your playstyle and the needs of the jobs you're taking on.
  • A glimpse of your main character's origins as a Cyber Knight. These elites of our dark future's underworld are rare and highly sought after. Knights have capabilities no one else in this world does – but it comes at a cost.
  • A first look at your safehouse; in the full game you'll have access to base-building features to expand this underground hideout, providing more opportunities to upgrade your team and expand your capabilities to take on bigger jobs as you make a name for yourself.
  • A preview of the choices you'll need to make in this shadowy world of mercenaries, secrets, and cyberpunks. How far will you go for a chance at a better life? What are you willing to risk for the extra credits or knowledge that could make a big difference for your crew? Who will you stay loyal to? Who can you trust?


The Ghostwire target in the second mission was not clearly called out, nor did he look that different than the other enemies you might be battling. We've improved this setup by getting this special character both a unique appearance and a clear label of "Ghostwire" in his hover and the Initiative timeline.

Grenade Lock on Some Kills

In the fixes we pushed yesterday to get corpses really nicely lined up with their hitbox, we introduce a new bug. In the case that you hurl grenade, killed some enemies but not some others, the game could lock up and prevent further action. This is now resolved, our apologies.

Corpse Piles

In the case that you're enemies were falling in the same spot, there were some collisions between their ragdoll and the hitbox for other dead characters that could make for some odd piles, sometimes with 2-3 feet between the bodies and the second to fall floating mid air. Now resolved!

Dialog Highlights

We've wrapped up some fixes to how dialogs were highlighting - the highlighter had gotten a little too zealous and was highlighting every pronoun and contextualized text (when a line is driven by character traits/backstory).

v0.6.113 - 6/27/2023

- Added new look for the Syndicate Ghostwire, making easy to identify
- Fixed possible game lock after throwing grenade
- Fixed issues floating corpse bug if enemy bodies piled on top of each other
- Fixed dialog randomly highlighting things that are not names or terms