Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Quick Patch on Update #30

Quick Patch on Update #30
Version Date
Dec. 17, 2023

Patch Notes

Quick Patch on Update #30

Tonight we're dropping a quick patch to address some issues that crept out with Update #30. A small 60 MB drop to fix a few key issues -

If anyone was having issues reloading a game mid Hack or retrying Turn with a Hacker already in the matrix, this addresses the bug.

For @gekido - stuck on the rooftop, this fixes your issue.

We're also making a big push to fix all of the appearance cosmetic issues with clipping and overlaps. With this update, we've swept through the masculine hair styles and everything should be clean and looking good. We'll keep pushing into hats next.

v1.2.9 - 12/17/2023

- Improved Warner-Braun enemy set, new variations and stats, watch out their Captains carry Revolvers (Pure Dmg!)
- Fixed bug preventing proper Retry Turn / Reload Game while hacking
- Fixed navigation bug on Aug-Clinic Rooftop could get stuck
- Fixing missing corporation name in Warner-Braun hack only mission
- Fixed overlaps and geometry clipping with all masculine hairstyles