Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Save 20% on Update #20: 20 over 20

Save 20% on Update #20: 20 over 20
Version Date
Nov. 21, 2023

Patch Notes

Save 20% on Update #20: 20 over 20

Update #20 is another big patch full of important fixes and improvements straight from the forges of your F10s! We're clearing the decks as best we can because we've got some exciting changes coming in over the weekend - more options in New Game and the next major roadmap milestone - the first wave of Proc-Gen Missions!

If you're enjoying the pace of improvements and the game itself - please leave a review and share Cyber Knights: Flashpoint with a friend.

Matrix IC Actions

We've taken a big pass through the text describing when IC take action and what the result is to help clear up lingering questions about the causes-and-effects during Matrix hacking. Programs that act whenever you take an action (such as loading a program, downloading a file, using an Attack program) state that clearly. Other programs that are triggered only by specific actions like loading a program are more clear about their trigger and resulting action. We've got a lot of work to do to increase the visibility of all the action around ICs and what they are doing as you take your actions (see the log, the details are there) but it needs to be much more visible.

Matrix Looting

For those of you hacking, the files, blueprints and accounts you've been stealing from Matrix hosts were not showing correctly in your mission victory screen. This is now resolved and they appear under a Matrix Downloads list so you can gloat over your ill-begotten riches.

In matrix land, we've further smoothed out zooming in and out on the map. And, we've fixed a bug where once you used the Show button to inspect a door or security devices in an RCU or SCU, the lines would stay on screen after you left hacking.

Splitting UARs

Urban Assault Rifles (shorter range, Full Auto focused) have slipped out of the bonus category for Assault weapons and joined the close-quarters combat bonus. Traits that used to give +3% Accuracy to Assault Rifles and Urban Assault Rifles are now only +3% Accuracy for ARS and instead, you can end up with +3% Accuracy for Close-Quarters Weapons (UAR/Shoguns/E-Rifles). This is letting us achieve a more interesting break in the weapon categories and Traits that are built around them.

Default Keybindings / Remove Controller

With this update we've fixed some issues that were plaguing customize keybindings and multiple controller support. You can now reset the defaults in each context (mission map / safehouse) nicely and get immediately back to the default settings Then tweak away!

Also, for anyone who has a controller plugged in that is giving the game a tough time like a pedal, you can now correctly remove the controllers from the registry on the keybinding screen.

Overwatch Locks

There were quite a few overwatch lock ups caused in the game last week and reported with F10s. These mostly resulted in unlikely timing and a race condition from killing multiple targets at once (not overwatch) or getting in an overwatch duel (shooting someone using overwatch) or when an overwatch character would miss. We've fixed what looks like all of them but there may be more cases floating around out there – so please F10 if you hit any other snags.

Also, we fixed an issue with enemies and characters who are Stunned being able to fire Overwatch reaction shots - that's exactly the kind of action you can't take when you're Stunned!

Disappearing Hovers

We tracked down an odd bug that could cause all hovers to suddenly stop working in the safehouse. It was caused by different screen transitions and ordering. Now press F, its gone and hovers reign supreme.

And so much more - check out the full list of improvements below!

v1.1.9 - 11/21/2023

- Fixed customize keybinding/controller functions "Reset Defaults" and "Remove Controller"
- Improved text for all Matrix IC actions, clearer when they act and what they do
- Adjusted bonuses for Close-Combat Weapons to include Urban Assault Rifles (UAR), removed from bonus to Assault Rifles
- When finishing a mission, all files, blueprints and accounts downloaded from matrix are correctly listed in loot summary
- Improved hovers in matrix over End Action for Turn button
- Fixed program display in market and cyberdeck management to correctly show max uses under program icon
- Fixed issue with utility programs having the wrong icon once you reach Matrix hacking
- Fixed issue with Overwatch duels or killing an enemy on Overwatch that could lead a soft lock in UI
- Characters/Enemies who are stunned cannot attack with Overwatch
- Fixed issue with Q-Endpoint objective in Haven Smokeout - larger trigger area and character will finish movement before triggering
- Fixed outfits to have better tint areas, improved skin color support for body to match face, reduced over-shiny outfits
- Fixed issues with starting Soldier outfit (Aaron) not tinting with colors correctly
- Fixed minor mismatch in XP shown in victory screen
- Fixed issues with class tree icons for Faked Vitals, Downed Shields, Rampage
- Improved faction assignment during new game, less duplicate tags about faction allegiance
- Fixed bug with newly spotted guard not immediately becoming highlighted when toggle highlight is on
- Removed programs from Cold Storage as they already appear in Market
- Improved zoom smoothness on Matrix hacking
- Fixed bug where Matrix hacking inspection lines would stay on screen after looking at a security device or door
- Fixed bug where hovers would stop working suddenly in the safehouse
- Improved hotkeys for training so that the hotkeys never swap around based on trained/untrained
- Removed duplicate hotkey use of H (default) in appearance for both remove (stays "H") and rename (now "T")