Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Save 20% + Update 22: Harbor Sludge

Save 20% + Update 22: Harbor Sludge
Version Date
Nov. 23, 2023

Patch Notes

Save 20% + Update 22: Harbor Sludge

It's Update #22! We've done a lot of work in this update with targeting, targeting lines, best targets first and we've also fixed the "bodies disappear on reload" issue. Now, every bone and position of your slain enemies is remembered and restored dutifully.

If you're enjoying the pace of updates and how the game is improving, please remember to leave a review!

Before Proc-gen is ready, we just need to roll out healing wounds and then it is time!

Dead Bodies Visually Restored

First – because this perhaps our most popular F10 still standing – dead bodies now restore! When an enemy goes down, their dead body becomes a liability. Someone is eventually going to come looking for them. Up until Update #22, if you reloaded a saved in the middle of a mission, the dead bodies (specifically, the ragdolls) would not appear. However, the bodies were there, you could hover them and other enemy agents would still see them.

With Update #22, we've finally resolved this reload issue and dead bodies are now going to appear in every game you reload. If it's a pre-Update #22 game, you might see a lot of enemies flopping around for a second at the start of your reload, but it's all expected – we just need to get those ragdolls into their final resting place so we can remember it for the next reload.

Thanks to everyone F10ing to make this a hot issue - fixed and ready for the next step, dragging bodies.

Best Target First!

With Update #22, when you select your attack Talent we will now sort the list of targets by the highest accuracy to lowest. Previously, we were selecting the nearest target which could result in targets that were out of sight, low % accuracy or just not what you might want as your best default. Now, your best shot is always presented first, so if you like it you can take it but if you need something else for the tactical situation, it is also very clear what type of best accuracy chance you're skipping on to take the harder shot.

Melee Weapon Targeting Oddities

With melee weapons there was a situation in which the "can attack" value in the bottom right corner would report a "1" but you'd be unable to attack the target. This mismatch in calculations has been resolved.

We've also fixed the issue where melee weapons could show a large number of gray lines to enemies when considering a movement destination, even if those enemies were out of sight.

Targeting Lines Update

If you switch weapons now, the targeting lines immediately update. This is really helpful, you can now test a movement destination and swap back and forth between your weapons without having to change the destination just to get the lines to update.

Sword Only Talents Gray Out

The sword-only Talents like Aegis and Deflection Field were not correctly graying out if you had a non-sword selected. These Talents now check this correctly and will indicate that they can't be used until you switch weapons.

Switch to Sprinting

We've seen a few players recently miss the idea that you can change your movement mode to Sneaking or Sprinting altogether. This needs better coverage in the tutorial, but we've updated the UI text to try to further highlight that option.

v1.1.13 - 11/23/2023

- Improved ordering of targets when selecting attack - highest accuracy now first
- Dead bodies for characters and enemies now correctly restore on reload
- Fixed issue where weapon numbers in corner would report a sword could attack but it really couldn't
- Targeting sight lines (gray, blue, red) update immediately when switching weapons
- Fixed issue with too many gray targeting sight lines when moving with melee weapon selected
- Fixed issue where Talents that require swords (Deflection Field) were not graying out when using other weapons
- Improved label for "Switch to Sneaking" and "Switch to Sprinting"