Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Save 33% and Update #32: Hot Kicks

Save 33% and Update #32: Hot Kicks
Version Date
Dec. 21, 2023

Patch Notes

Save 33% and Update #32: Hot Kicks

Welcome to the Winter Sale and our best discount of the year - save 33% on Cyber Knights: Flashpoint today! You'll get the game and a river of free updates, coming fast and shiny.

Update #32 officially cracks into the Tutorial Roadmap milestone (a good start but more coming), improves and adds the rest of security devices to movement alerts, fills in missing item descriptions and Smoke Grenade rules, gets Overwatch visualization to respond correctly to sight blockers and cover and more. It's a huge QoL patch straight from your F10s! So, let's get to it.

If you're enjoying the pace of updates and improvements to the game, be sure to leave a review!

Tutorial Starter Refresh

While our work is far from done with improved tutorials, with Update #32, we've officially started on the road and have marked the item as "underway" in the roadmap. For both the tutorial level (below the rooftop) and the rooftop there is now an ever-present button for players of any skill level to access "Gameplay Basics" which gives access to the top 6 basic gameplay features you'll need to know to get started, including movement, movement alerts, using items, Action Points and Initiative.

At the beginning of the tutorial we use a new highlight system to point out the button to make sure players know to start there with that button. This is the first of use of the HUD / UI highlighter but the next steps for the tutorial improvements will for this new feature to creep across all of the content and replace (disconnected) character dialog to directly highlight and detail the parts of the screen and actions you can/should be taking.

We also did a big pass of improvements on the dialog tutorial and sequencing. It's a bit tighter and highlights more important points but is still due more improvements.

Finally, this let us remove all of the tutorial video content from the game which was getting no play time but soaking up more than 1 GB of game size. A nice bonus!

Overwatch and Full Auto Indicate Lines of Sight

For enemies and players alike, your Full Auto and Overwatch cones displayed on the map now respond correctly to environmental elements that block line of sight and to cover as well. While you can shoot targets in the yellow hashing, this sometimes can explain why you may have reduced accuracy if the target is near cover-granting element.

This is especially helpful for just showing areas that are completely out of sight so you can shift through enemy overwatch where possible without getting tagged.

Movement Alerts Cleanup

With Update #32, we've fixed a few gaps in the movement alerts system. This system has been a huge success and we're pushing to have full coverage over all security types and to close some gaps where things are not all working as expected.
  • Motion Detectors, Pressure Plates and Laser Mesh all now give movement alerts
  • All movement alert icons are now shown in yellow to get off the overloaded red color and to match the alerts shown in the enemy hovers
  • We've fixed issues where "You may be seen" was incorrectly reported when you were crouching and would be staying low behind cover.
  • We've fixed issues where you could be reported that you'd be shot even outside of the range of an enemy overwatch cone.
  • Sometimes multiple movement alerts at the exact same location would stack, this is now improved to be more clear.

Smoke Grenades and Item Descriptions

We've fixed Smoke Grenades broken description making it clear they created a sizeable cloud of smoke that blocks sight and security devices alike. No attacks can be made out of, into or through smoke except for melee attacks which are not effected. Go cyber ninja, go!

A tip for smoke grenades, turn on highlight (default H)!

Sorry, other grenades no longer bounce off smoke grenade's smoke. ːsteamfacepalmː

Also, for a number of items we fixed places where their rules had been entered into their themed description and have now included their proper in-world explanation.

v1.2.13 - 12/20/2023

- Improved tutorial / rooftop access to "Gameplay Basics" with updated top 6 items in Basic Gameplay
- Added "Gameplay Basics" button to HUD in Tutorial and on Rooftop for quick access to explanation of movement, combat and gameplay fundamentals
- Reduced total game size by more than 1 GB
- Overwatch and Full Auto area of affect display now take into account cover and blocked sight
- Added movement alerts for Motion Detectors, Pressure Plates and Laser Wires
- All movement alerts are recolored yellow, red is overloaded in visual
- Improved "You may be seen" movement alerts to be more accurate in regards to cover
- Fixed movement alert bug that could indicate you'd be shot out of range of enemy Overwatch
- Fixed issue where multiple movement alerts stacked vertically but was unclear
- Fixed issue with Knight's Sync Talent not clearly updating Initiative Timeline
- Fixed issue with grenades bouncing off smoke grenade clouds
- Improved use of mouse in appearance, removed constant flickering as mouse moves between items
- Improved display and readability of Combat Log, clearer fonts, stronger background gradient
- Fixed issue where mission stage options were not red even when locked in Victory/Defeat
- Fixed Custom Difficulty pop up window to correctly respond to screen scaling
- Fixed issue with Zero Interrupt Talent in Matrix printing names of unscanned IC to the logs
- Fixed Talent description of Smoke Grenade to be clear about it rules, duration effect
- Improved item descriptions in game, removing places where rules were listed in themey description section
- Reduce number of items in inventory/market where names were cut off by ellipsis
- Removed confusing numbers on the end of some First Aid Kit item names