Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Save 33% on Update #33: Plaster-Cross

Save 33% on Update #33: Plaster-Cross
Version Date
Dec. 23, 2023

Patch Notes

Save 33% on Update #33: Plaster-Cross

Merry Winter Sale, mercs and Knights! It's the best time of the year to jump into the New Boston Zone with the best deal of the year. These heists won't heist themselves!

Update #33 brings some updates to your class trees, a new Talent for the Soldier and the Hacker and a pile of class tree fixes from your F10s. Thanks to everyone playing, posting feedback and sharing the game with a friend.

Happy holidays - hope you'll leave a review on Cyber Knights this season!

New Soldier Talent: Plaster-Cross

Your Solider now has a new option to handle heavily armored targets with Plaster-Cross. Parallelling Splat-Patt as a firing technique enabling more powerful and wider range of Full Auto fire, Plaster-Cross is a special firing technique for Burst First firing mode that greatly increases drilling through and destroying the reactive materials of modern combat armor and increases the Armor Crit % significantly against targets. Got a hard nut to crack? Lay into them with your AR and Plaster-Cross to soften up their armor before unleashing Full Auto destruction.

New Hacker Talent: Upchain

Your Hacker can now exploit in the last seconds of an enemy drone's existence as its circuits and systems collapse under gunfire or slicing blades with their Upchain Talent. The unauthorized burst into the drone control system can send out shockwaves of disruption to all nearby drones and hit all nearby drones with a powerful debuff reducing Initiative and AP. The Hacker's new passive Talent is the sole Talent to activate on the death of an enemy drone and is helping to continue to build out the options your team will have to face off with dangerous enemy drones as they prepare to become more prevalent in the enemy's security forces outlay.

Simplified Soldier's Red Dot

The Soldier's Red Dot Talent had an overly restrictive clause that needed a Full Auto weapon to use. This didn't make a lot of sense, so we've reduced the restriction to only require a ranged weapon.

Cybersword's Lightfoot

There were cases where the Cybersword's Lightfoot Talent was incorrectly disabled in the Talent bar even though you had the charges and the AP/MP to use it. We've resolved the situations so that it's always enabled when it should be.

Class Tree Cleanup

In Update #33, we've done some cleanup for the class trees to help ensure all the icons and text are fully correct. We've fixed a few places where the wrong icon was used in upgrade node. We've also worked on correcting some of the text for the upgrade nodes, where the wrong syntax was listed – where a buff was being upgraded but the text would say the "target(s) suffer X effects" as if it was a debuff.

v1.2.15 - 12/23/2023

- New Soldier Talent: Plaster-Cross Talent, now adds Armor Crit % and Ballistic Dmg to single Burst Fire attack
- New Hacker Talent: Upchain debuffs nearby drones whenever an enemy drone is killed by the team
- Removed hidden Full Auto requirement from Soldier's Red Dot Talent, now simply requires a ranged weapon
- Fixed incorrect Strength icons to Reaction icons in Knight's class tree
- Fixed issues where Cybersword's Lightfoot Talent was wrongly disabled in Talent bar
- Fixed issues where upgrades in class tree would state "target(s) suffer X effect" when the Talent was a team or self buff
- Fixed mistakes and typos in new Gameplay Basics sections