Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Save 33% + Update #35: Fell of the Milsec Wagon

Save 33% + Update #35: Fell of the Milsec Wagon
Version Date
Dec. 28, 2023

Patch Notes

Save 33% + Update #35: Fell of the Milsec Wagon

Update #35 keep the Winter Sale running hot with still the best price of the year, new appearance options for your mercs, new items for sale from your underworld corrupt cop friend, improved Contact Traits Indebted and Partner and more fixes and improvements straight from your F10s!

If you're enjoying the pace of improvements and the speed of support for issues, please leave a review! You're always able to update your review later but if you feel like we are on the right track a 👍 helps immensely!

New 'Dues, New Hues

The marketing department made me write it; I swear. But its true - we've added 6 new haircuts total for your characters to check out and try. And we've also added a new row of browns to the color picker for any appearance item's colors.

New Military Items for Sale

During the Carnivore storyline, it is referenced multiple times that the corrupt cop is willing to sell military gear under the table for a higher price. This contact service was never correctly connected to the contact in the story. With Update #35, we've resolved that for existing games (it will immediately appear) and new games running Carnivore.

The new milsec item options include higher power IO-Chargers, Frag Grenades and access to other rare items like Echo Jammers and Patch X-Kits. It's good to have a corrupt cop on the payroll, indeed.

Indebted and Partner Traits

Those Contacts who get the Indebted or Partner Trait are now delivering on their promise of +1 Favor per 30 days. These are added with a new Timeline Log but otherwise quietly. In existing games, they will add on the next 30 day tick, and new games they'll just add from the start. Especially for the Doctor, this is a nice way to pile up some free good will and a nice reward for your investment in the clinic.

Clarity on Passive Talents

Passive Talents (and all Talents actually) were hiding their charge count when they had no more charges ready for use in the character pop-up mid-mission. We've now fixed that issue so that the charge count is always displayed and you can see also the number of turns to recharge. This can give you a lot more clarity about the coming and going of passive Talents.

If you have questions about Passive Talents, the best place to check is your character's pop-up in the middle of a mission. Click once on the portrait in the Initiative Timeline to focus the camera on them and the second time to open their status.

Loading Lock Up, Passive Talent Lock Up

Thanks to the awesome F10s coming in from the community, we've fixed two more issues that could cause mid-game freezes requiring a Turn restart.

The first could effect a number of Passive Talents like the Sniper's Fleeting. If the Talent activated (for Fleeting, you killed an Unaware target) but then failed in a secondary check of its more complex requirements (for Fleeting, you can't currently be standing in an enemy's sight cone) the game could lock up on this case. Very excited to have this fix deployed to the field as it undoubtably will help other Talents too.

The second could occur if a minor map change was made that might affect a character and they end up in a non-playable area. This is now always checked when reloading a mission and characters are moved to the nearest playable area.

Class Tree Cleaning Continues

Even with only 6 classes currently active in the game, the class trees are immense data structures. We've got an entire bucket of F10's dedicated to issues with them, but the list getting shorter and shorter and into small and smaller issues. With this update, we've:
  • Fixed redundancy in
  • Fixed Hacker's Null Op munging up the damage values
  • Fixed Sniper's Skullshot was stating a buff was going to an enemy when really it is yours
  • Fixed one node in Splatt-Patt that was giving multiple effects

v1.2.19 - 12/28/2023

- Added 6 new haircuts for new appearance options
- Added brown color scale to the appearance color pick list
- New items for sale if you make friends with corrupt Brave Star cop
- Added new items - power level 3 Frag Grenade and IO Charger
- Fixed missing item sales services for corrupt Brave Star contact from Carnivore
- Contact Traits "Indebted" and "Partner" now grant +1 Favor every 30 days
- Fixed bug that could cause character to be unable to move after loading level that was modified
- Fixed bug that could cause game freeze after failure to use some passive Talents like Sniper's Fleeting
- Fixed Sniper's Fleeting description to be clearer, adjusted upgrades for more Accuracy against Unaware/Suspicious targets
- Fixed bug in character status pop up during missions that did not show Talent charge pips if none were left ready
- Fixed display of Null Op Hacking Talent previewing damage of upgrade nodes
- Fixed text in Skullshot upgrades to be clear about who is getting the +25% Critical buff
- Fixed multi-effect upgrade nodes in Soldier's Splatt-Patt
- Fixed odd position of Select/Options button in appearance selection
- Fixed all reported typos - thank you!