Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint September & Schedule Update

September & Schedule Update
Version Date
Oct. 1, 2021

Patch Notes

September & Schedule Update

Fresh reports for you from the Trese Brothers HQ, deep beneath the New Boston Zone. As we continue to improve Cyber Knights: Flashpoint, working toward the alpha at a feverish pace, we’re dedicated to our monthly update schedule to keep the news flowing.

For this month’s update, we highlight 3 big areas we are working on – but first we want to give the schedule update we know everyone is waiting on.

Alpha Launch Date!

As a team, we have decided to launch the alpha on January 4th, 2022.

A slight adjustment – our last major schedule update did say the alpha would be ready by the end of 2021. We were pretty sure then it would end up in late Q4, and the more items we cross off the to-do list, the more accurate that looks: late Q4. Based on what’s remaining and our current estimates, it looks like we will end up checking the final checkboxes just before the end of the year. But, with October and November still ahead we are uncomfortable having so little margin of error in that estimate.

And as many of you know, the start of the alpha is the start of a non-stop process for Trese Brothers. With a thousand players potentially firing up the game there are sure to be early issues we can’t discover on our own. Every issue you find we will want to fix ASAP. Trying to do that over a holiday season doesn’t seem realistic. With the Steam Holiday sales and winter travel, it becomes impossible. We’ve settled on a date just past the new years line and hope you’ll agree this is the best thing for the alpha’s success.

We are so eager to share this game with you and hear what you think! Hope you’re just as excited to start 2022 with Cyber Knights: Flashpoint.

“The procedure will be painless, just don’t move."

Progress Highlights

One of the major tasks of September has been to complete and fully test the gameplay cut-scene director that allows the game to interrupt regular gameplay with a series of scripted events. This includes dialog, choices, camera controls, arrival of reinforcements, opening and closing doors, turning on and off security devices and more. This capability has already been worked into some of the early levels and is key in pushing the game missions’ interactivity with little dialog quips and mission intros as well as important map features like interactive switches, ambushes and more.

Quick demo to show the camera moving between a series of scripted events.

Continuing the Jobs and Talents work from last month, we put a special focus on differentiating jobs. We’re staying true to the design by avoiding and cutting out “Buff salad” while pushing for as many special mechanics, features and limitations as possible within each class. For example Vanguards, who rely on their Chameleon Sheathe cybernetic implant, are now restricted from wearing heavier armor which would interfere with its concealment powers. On the other hand, the Soldier has the only ability in the game to shorten or lengthen optimal range of their weapon, and the Cyber Knight’s ability to manipulate ally and enemy Initiative (manipulating turn order to their advantage) has been strengthened so you can pull off perfect ambushes.

In addition, we have been tightening up the security system’s tolerances and stealthy characters options to work around them. Talents that interfere with or disable security devices now cause the Minor Alarm Level to tick up, and have a lower duration than previous builds. At the same time, we added Talents to predict enemy patrol routes and disintegrate enemy bodies in a pinch. It's a fun formula, ratcheting up the tension while offering even more routes of play.

We’re ramping up for a big sound-effects mini-sprint in October so that your boot heels will clang on metal and clomp on concrete and everything in the game will whir and buzz and beep with the right ambience playing in the background. By far, Cyber Knights is going to set a new high-water-mark for our music and SFX, and we can’t wait for you to hear the entire game come alive.

Executive Producers #9

We’ve scheduled the 9th Executive Producers meeting for late October to share the latest progress with our EP team and to get that key early feedback. EP #8 showed off gameplay and talked about the unique design for CKF’s tactical combat engine. We won’t know the topic of #9 until about a week ahead of time, as we always like to pick something exciting / in the forge with the iron still red-hot to share. As the alpha gets closer by the day, we’ll keep meeting with the Executive Producers regularly, gathering feedback from this valuable “first line” of players.

Reward and Stretch Goal Progress

Per our promise, we always include the progress bar infographic. If you have any questions about rewards or stretch goals, check out the graphic or reach out to us. With this update, we have set the Alpha launch date in stone (chrome? PNG?) but otherwise there are no changes as we are hammering down to the final milestones before alpha.

For anyone still waiting on 3D face deliveries, apologies from Andrew. 55 of 76 faces have been delivered – with few exceptions those remaining are waiting on some specific haircut, beard or specific cyberware or accessory to be fully completed before we can send them out. Thank you for your patience on these, they are coming.