Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Steam Next Fest + Update #3

Steam Next Fest + Update #3
Version Date
June 24, 2023

Patch Notes

Steam Next Fest + Update #3

Welcome to the weekend, Steam Next Fest! New Boston is buzzing and the heists are all happening, so jump into the demo and schedule your cyber surgery to have your spinal computer implanted -tonight.

Once again, we'd like to give a big shout out and thank you, Knights! to everyone playing the game, sharing feedback, telling a friend and hitting F10 to report a bug or share ideas. We're coming down the stretch with the festival but do plan to leave the demo up for a little while afterward - so if you're interested be sure to Follow and Wishlist.

If you haven't tried the demo yet, it offers:

  • Your first big heist to pull off! Find out how our turn-based squad tactics plays. See if you have the skills to use creative stealth, a variety of weapons, and the turn order itself to accomplish objectives in each map and get your crew out alive.
  • Six squad members in your roster; each brings a unique set of talents to your crew. In the full game you'll have opportunities to recruit new members, as well as access to multi-classing, extensive skill trees, weapon modding, cybernetics – everything you need to build out the perfect squads for your playstyle and the needs of the jobs you're taking on.
  • A glimpse of your main character's origins as a Cyber Knight. These elites of our dark future's underworld are rare and highly sought after. Knights have capabilities no one else in this world does – but it comes at a cost.
  • A first look at your safehouse; in the full game you'll have access to base-building features to expand this underground hideout, providing more opportunities to upgrade your team and expand your capabilities to take on bigger jobs as you make a name for yourself.
  • A preview of the choices you'll need to make in this shadowy world of mercenaries, secrets, and cyberpunks. How far will you go for a chance at a better life? What are you willing to risk for the extra credits or knowledge that could make a big difference for your crew? Who will you stay loyal to? Who can you trust?

SFX Improvements for Movement

We've layered in a fuller sound scape for movement with this update, including surface-dependent footsteps, SFX for mantling over barricades and sliding into cover.

Motion Detectors

if you are coming across a motion detector in Haven Smokeout, we've improved the hover to be clear that it only triggers if you "are running (not sneaking)" so these are easy enough to avoid if you have the extra AP / MP to slow down.

SIght Lines and Movement

We fixed a number of minor issues seen with sightlines and movement rules for the Haven Smokeout. Some of its messier more organic spaces needed some cleanup and we've gone through the again for Update #3.

We've also hopefully put a final fix to the rare-but-still-lingering movement bug where a character can get hung up on a fence or barricade before they jump it.

Bug Fixes

With Update #3, we've improved the game's support for ultrawide monitors, which had a few special bugs just in the demo popup screens. Our apologies if you got caught up in those, now fixed! Finally, we've fixed all reported typos and made a number of dialog clarity adjustments.

Changelog 0.6.107 - 6/25/2023

- Added/improved SFX layer for movement - surface layer dependent foosteps, sliding to cover SFX
- Improved hover description of Motion Sensor Fields - they detect *running* but not sneaking
- Fixed / improved support for ultrawide monitors (3840x1080, etc)
- Fixed lingering issue with getting stuck mantling over walls
- Fixed issues in Haven Smokeout with sight lines and going inside pillar
- Thanks for all the F10s!