Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #1: So Crispy

Update #1: So Crispy
Version Date
Oct. 17, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #1: So Crispy

Ahhhh updates are in the air! It's a brand new game with a shiny new Update #1. We're very excited you've all joined us on this journey into the dark and messy future of 2231. What a ride it is going to be.

First Update & F10 Reports

Tonight, we have our first update out - a big patch from all the things we've heard and seen today. A huge thanks to everyone hitting F10 to report a bug. If you do that, we can isolate, fix and test the bug very quickly - we have all the data we need to make an affirmative fix in most cases. Cory's done an amazing job with the bug reporter and it is going to help us harden up and close bugs very quickly. So, F10 on!

As is traditional on the first day, we've focused on fixing things. We also added a number of additional conversation options after the end of the Loophole Heist, but other than that we restrained from adding things today. We just fixed and fixed some more.

In tomorrow's update, we'll do a bit more of a mix of fixing and adding new content and things.

v1.0.7 - 10/18/2023

- Fixed ending of Loophole Heist not affecting your debt payments
- Accepting Loophole Heist now moves the loan payment deadline back to give time to work the job
- Fixed Wastelander backstory not having proper Attributes
- Dialog reminders about missions that are running out of time clearly state Mission & Contact
- Fixed turn order incorrect when 2 mercs had the same Initiative
- Fixed camera panning and looping between security devices when using Leverage or Matrix
- Fixed soft locks in Loophole Heist when hovering over wall terminal
- Fixing issue where Leverage list during mission was empty
- Fixed invisible wall in Loophole Heist preventing movement
- Fixed backstory descriptions to update with character name and appearance changes
- Fixed loadout names to start correctly generic ("Soldier Loadout")