Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #10: Down the Pipes

Update #10: Down the Pipes
Version Date
Aug. 22, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #10: Down the Pipes

Another week another Demo Update! With Demo Update #10, we've made some major progress on reducing the update file size (because, let's be clear – we're going to do a lot of updates … so that's improtant), vastly improved the AI's tactical thinking once it starts fighting, fixed all reported F10 freezes and crashes, improved Glancing Hit rules and more!

As always, we appreciate everyone playing, sharing feedback and hitting F10 on the game!

Steam Update Download Size

With this update, we've gone on the attack against the download size for the game from Steam client. Unfortunately, in order to make it better, you have to change everything first. This is going to cause this update to be a very large one (clocking in for some as high as 6.6 GB) but also clears the way for the next update to be much more modest affair.

In addition to restructuring the internal bundling, we've cleaned up some assets, improved compression settings and reduced duplicates in the final game build – reducing the overall game footprint by about 1 GB or 10%.

Tactical AI

With Update #10, we also have a big bundle of improvements to the AI's combat tactical decisions. Once engaged with an enemy, we've improved their ability to prioritize taking cover, using Talents or attacking versus moving. Previously they were very move-focused and did a lot of running around almost every turn. With the new priority and new decision tree, they are smarter at taking and keeping cover, holding position if they are at an advantage, and making short sprints to nearby advantageous positions only before thinking about how to spend the rest of the AP on Talents and attacks.

In addition, we've helped the AI make more reasonable decisions by adding more rules about their proximity to your mercs and other enemies. While they will take positions near each other, they are far less likely to end up in a tight cluster and unless they are melee combatants, they no longer have an appetite for running up to stand toe-to-toe with you.

Glancing Rules Update

A Glancing Hit can occur if you miss the main accuracy roll but still are within certain thresholds defined by your weapon. In this case, you caused damage but reduced by the % of your roll and still count as getting a hit. Swords, as a weapon class, for example always score Glancing Hits. It is on our list to get this shown in the UI more clearly and once the equipment screens UX is updated (soon!) then you'll be able to see the Glancing Hit rules and % for each weapon as you equip your characters.

With Update #10, we've added a new proximity rule that increases the chance of Glancing Hits as you get close to a target, as long as you're using a weapon with attack mode of FA, BF or SA which leaves SS weapons like Sniper Rifles and Revolvers in the cold but gives advantage to other classes of weapons like Pistols, SMGs, UARs, shotguns and classic ARs.

Item Refresh After Mission

We've fixed a bug in some cases where your items (grenades, medkits, etc) were not properly refreshing from your inventory between missions. If you had used these in Rooftop, you could end up in the Haven without them. Not good. Fixed!

Fixed Freezes and F10 Safehouse

Thanks to everyone reporting issues! We fixed a critical bug where an enemy starting Overwatch could lock up the game based depending on the part of the AI's turn it was as well as a bug where sometimes moving characters and enemies would suddenly warp under a set of stairs and get stuck.

Speaking of F10, to anyone trying to enter an F10 while in the Safehouse, you should have an easier time now. The F10 form now blocks all keyboard input to the screen behind it, so you won't find yourself hitting all the hotkeys while typing away.

If you haven't tried the demo yet, it offers:

  • Your first big heist to pull off! Find out how our turn-based squad tactics plays. See if you have the skills to use creative stealth, a variety of weapons, and the turn order itself to accomplish objectives in each map and get your crew out alive.
  • Six squad members in your roster; each brings a unique set of talents to your crew. In the full game you'll have opportunities to recruit new members, as well as access to multi-classing, extensive skill trees, weapon modding, cybernetics – everything you need to build out the perfect squads for your playstyle and the needs of the jobs you're taking on.
  • A glimpse of your main character's origins as a Cyber Knight. These elites of our dark future's underworld are rare and highly sought after. Knights have capabilities no one else in this world does – but it comes at a cost.
  • A first look at your safehouse; in the full game you'll have access to base-building features to expand this underground hideout, providing more opportunities to upgrade your team and expand your capabilities to take on bigger jobs as you make a name for yourself.
  • A preview of the choices you'll need to make in this shadowy world of mercenaries, secrets, and cyberpunks. How far will you go for a chance at a better life? What are you willing to risk for the extra credits or knowledge that could make a big difference for your crew? Who will you stay loyal to? Who can you trust?

0.6.135 - 8/22/2023

- Update size will be large which is required to make the next one smaller
- Reduced overall game filesystem size by 1 GB (~10%)
- Improved AI tactical thinking when already engaged with an enemy
- Improved AI movement patterns to avoid getting too close to characters nonsensically
- Improved AI movement patterns to avoid over-grouping with each other
- Improved rules for Glancing Hits under certain distance thresholds for BF, FA and SA weapons
- Fixed bug failing to auto-restoring items (grenades, medkits) correctly from inventory stock between missions
- Fixed F10 feedback form to block keyboard input to game in Safehouse correctly
- Fixed edge cases where a moving character might end up suddenly under the stairs
- Fixed bug causing start of enemy Overwatch to lock game
- Fixed pop-up of "Stationary VIP" appearing over Wireghost's head during Smokeout job
- Fixed bugs that could lock up video player during video tutorials