Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #10: Hover Drop

Update #10: Hover Drop
Version Date
Oct. 31, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #10: Hover Drop

Update #10 rolls out a set of big quality of life improvements, level polishing and more UI hovers after an exciting weekend of new content. We're hard at work on the next mission to drop, but for the moment we've got a bevy of fixes driven by your F10s and requests on the Steam boards.

If you're enjoying the pace of development and improvement in the game, please remember to share the game and leave a review.

Icon Update

We're nearly done with a full icon update across all of the classes and Talent trees, getting all of the Talents up to the new consistent and sharper style. This drop is especially helpful as it wipes out most of the places were a duplicate icon was being used that could leave some confusion. We're one update away from wrapping up this project of re-icon-ifying!

Level and Mission Fixes

We've improved the Blue Door situation in Salvage Breakout so that it is bi-directional in the second levle, giving you even more options on how to proceed through the mission. We've fixed an area of Carnivore that was oddly unpassable and really tripping up some of your enemies as well.

Hiding Hacker Recruit

If you went through the Salvage Breakout mission, there are some paths that could lead to the Hacker being on your team but then disappearing when they went on their first mission. If you finished that mission they would have re-appeared but we've provided a fix for this in Update #10. First - all future games that take these story choices will not have a disappearing hacker and second - if you get your team back to the Safehouse, the hacker's character record will be fixed.

Hover Drop

We've added useful hovers to all stat entries for Weapons, Weapon Mods and Armor. These describe the rules of each stat in detail and should be helpful in helping you make informed decisions about your equipment to carry.

v1.0.33 - 10/31/2023

- Added and updated 30 Talent icons to consistent style
- Fixed issues with story recruit from Salvage Breakout might not appear on next mission - restore to safehouse to fix
- Fixed Marker Sights and other Talent's Crit Vulnerability not being shown in accuracy/crit % breakdown top right
- Improved Salvage Breakout Level 2: Blue Door is now bi-directional
- Improved Weapon, Weapon Mod and Armor equipment/market screens - better labels, value formatting and added rule explanation hovers to all stats
- Fixed issue at end of Carnivore where corrupt cop does not appear in contact list
- Fixed impassible area in Carnivore far balcony
- Restored missing Tag titles in Legwork ("Tag.Name.109" etc)
- Fixed typos, thanks for F10s