Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #107: Bullets In the Sky

Update #107: Bullets In the Sky
Version Date
July 10, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #107: Bullets In the Sky

Knights - meet at the command table in the HQ, its another update! Coming hot on the heels of major milestone NANOFAB we're pushing out Update #107 to with some very exciting UI polish for combat, better secondary objectives for blueprints and cubes, and a reset of controllers to default configuration. Sorry about that, an Early Access mistake on our part - please see below to read about the bug it fixes.

Thanks to everyone playing, posting and sharing with your friends! We're so excited to see everyone's crafting creations popping out of those Fabs. If you're enjoying the pace of updates and improvements and how your suggestions/ideas are landing in the game - please do leave a review.

Controller & Steam Deck Binding Reset

With Update #107, we've fixed a deep and very old bug in our configuration for our input system and controllers. It is the root cause of all the most reported bugs for controller at the moment - places where (B) stops actually canceling things or where pop-up windows have empty blue square for cancel and the keyboard binding for submit.

However, in order to fix this critical and ancient bug - we have been forced to reset your controller configurations to the default. Our apologies, we tried all other options, but this was the final results. If you are a keyboard and mouse player, you're unaffected - we've only reset controllers.

We hope you'll forgive us during Early Access this reset and we hope never to have to repeat it 🤞

Full Auto Bullet Pips

With Update #107, we've added a key factor to Full Auto the targeting UI. Every Full Auto weapons has a number of bullets that it will fire in this mode, ranging from 4 to 9. Each bullet rolls all of its Accuracy, Damage, Critical and Armor Shred individually (you can only Shred once per target, but it is more chances of getting that Shred!).

Bullets are allocated equally between targets and you can never fire more than 4 bullets at a single target. So - the UI is now updated to show yellow bullet icons over each target so it is really clear who is getting what. This also helps make the exact benefits or loss clear when increasing or reducing targets.

Overwatch Bullet Pips

In the same moment, we've added bullet pips overhead for any character or enemy who is using Overwatch. This is helpful for your own team, to know how many more shots you might have but it is key intel on a situation if you're pinned in an enemy Overwatch field. It's a bit peaking behind the curtain, but use the information well. If the enemy has a single shot, maybe you can risk taking an action but if they've got you pinned with 3 Overwatch shots … consider your other options!

Blueprints and Cubes as Secondary Objectives

With Update #107, we've improved the balance and progression of secondary objectives that grant NBS Cubes and Blueprints. You'll find more variety of the offered rewards including a wider range of Rare, Epic and Legendary Blueprints and now also the option to offer Weapon Mod blueprints.

For NBS Cubes, the secondary objectives were previously limited to offering Blue Cubes which is nice but not as fun as sometimes offering Red and Gold as it now does.

Weigh your new secondary objectives well and make it happen, Knight!

Full Stats during Mission

We've added the full stat block including Initiative roll, AP, MP and your combined set of all effects to the mid-mission status window. Enjoy!

Fixed Bugs!

We also fixed a ton of other F10s you put in - so thank you! Weapons that had odd stocks, vertical grips and magazines appearing all over the place have been fixed. We flipped the sort for Newest equipment in your inventory, it was sorting the wrong direction. We've

v1.8.5 - 7/10/2024

- When targeting enemies with Full Auto, bullet pips are shown over each enemy to show exact spread of Full Auto Shots
- When character or enemy is in Overwatch, number of remaining reaction shots is shown over character
- Fixed Steam Deck and controller bugs with (B) not working and/or submit/cancel keybindings shown as empty blue squares
- All Steam Deck and Controller bindings have been reset (one time, sorry!)
- Added full breakdown of buffs, debuffs, Initiative, AP and MP from the roster to mid-mission status
- Improved secondary objectives providing Blueprints to have more variation, Cube objectives to offer Blue/Red/Gold
- Improved text and labels in SimStream Trainer to be more clear
- Fixed issues with odd mod assembly - stocks, magazines, and foregrips all appearing in odd places
- Fixed bug allowing teleportation on some door panels
- Fixed incorrect level shown in Cold Storage room
- Fixed Newest sort in inventory was flipped