Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #108: Slash Target

Update #108: Slash Target
Version Date
July 11, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #108: Slash Target

Knights, the streets might be quieting down for the night but an update chopper is about to land. Grab your weapons, we've got a heist to run! Tonight's Update #108 enables unequipping cyberdecks gracefully, fixes a longstanding bug with Cybersword's Slashslide, improves the Safehouse room details, starts the process of tuning and tweaking the 300 pieces of equipment just released for hacking makes another minor but important upgrade for Steam Deck. And you can zoom and rotate the camera while inspecting a Matrix terminal's connected devices!

Apologies about the second multi-GB update in a row … the build box did a flip on this one. We aim to keep these below 1 GB as often as possible, but this one just came in super-sized.

Thanks to everyone playing, posting, sending in the F10s and especially for leaving a review! So much more good stuff is coming, so keep your ear to the ground for the next update chopper.

Remove Cyberdecks

To keep up with Soldiers (who can remove their guns and armor!), Hackers can now remove their cyberdecks. This can make swapping between Hackers or testing out an upgrade easier for your Hackers. But just like Soldiers, they will refuse to go on a mission if they are not equipped with a Deck, so don't do something silly like unequipping it and selling it.

Slashslide Targeting

We've fixed a bug with how the Cybersword's Slashslide Talent acquired targets. As a melee attack in which you move from target to target for your attacks, it does not matter if an enemy or character is blocking the line of sight from the original point of attack. However, the bug was requiring full line of sight (which is blocked by characters and enemies) to any target in Slashslide. This meant you could often line up the perfect slide line, hitting and hopefully killing 3 in one glorious instant … only to discover the first one blocked the second and third and you got … one lame attack. Now you'll get 3!

So, very, glad, to, fix, this. Rah rah, Zasha!

Safehouse Improvements

With Update #108, we've made so improvements to the safehouse room displays and details about each upgrade level. We've improved the rules for SimStream Detox so that its 3rd level has a clear benefit. We've also adjusted the display for the SimStream Detox room so that its Stress reduction is clearly stated now in its states.

We fixed a bug with the level displayed in room level displayed inside Cold Storage when browsing digital files, it was not the level shown when you're managing the room or at the main safehouse view. Now, its correct.

We also fixed a bug that could happen on the Timeline if a mission was at 4-6 hours remaining but there was another event at 0 hrs remaining. Thanks to everyone submitting F10s!

Fixing/Tweaking Crafted Weapons, Armor, Items!

With the addition of over 300 new pieces of equipment and consumable items to the game, there is going to be some clean-up and tuning work for little while here! Tonight we fixed an issue with HE Micro Grenades being identical to Micro Grenades - they both linked the same Talent and effect.

More will be coming as we pour over the equipment tables and get more reports from players. Again, thanks to every player who is playing and posting.

Rotate and Zoom Camera while Previewing Devices

From inside or outside of the matrix, if you're inspecting a terminals list of connected doors and security devices you can now zoom and rotate the camera with the regular controls. This is a big help since the automatic camera angles may not be what you want to see, or you may need additional context about enemies and characters nearby that you can only get by achieving a specific camera angle.

Thanks for every F10 about this!

Steam Deck and Controller Scene Transition

We've addressed a minor but important issue where immediately after the Steam Deck booted into the game, you would see mouse and keyboard keybinding glyphs. Once you touched the controller, you'd get the right glyphs but it was ugly there fore a minute.

In addition, we've improved handling between scene transitions for Steam Deck and controller. The game was previously always reverting to showing mouse and keyboard glyphs again whenever a scene was loaded but now we've fixed this to remember the last used input device and keep using those glyphs in the new scene.

v1.8.9 - 7/11/2024

- Hackers can unequip their cyberdecks for easier swaps or upgrades, but cannot go on mission without one
- Fixed Slashslide unable to acquire target due to another enemy or player in the way
- Fixed HE Micro Grenades not having special effect
- Improved new game layout to show more of each character's backstory if space is available
- Fixed bug with buying/selling where Contacts might be duplicated
- Improved Safehouse SimStream Detox - now shows expected Stress relief and Level 3 was not clear about its bonus
- When previewing security devices attached to a Matrix Terminal, you can now rotate the camera as usual
- Improved scene transitions for Steam Deck and Controllers so that keybinding glyphs don't revert to keyboard/mouse
- Corrected bug with Cold Storage showing the wrong room level when browsing digital goods
- Improve game's ignoring of mouse and keyboard input when not focused on some platforms
- Fixed icon shown in armor for movement speed to be the regular move speed icon
- Fixed freezes that could occur on timeline