Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #111: On Ramp

Update #111: On Ramp
Version Date
July 17, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #111: On Ramp

Before the next heist, what do you really want? One more update! Update #111 drops 2 new outfits, fixes issues with used (1/2 Uses) Blueprints selling for $1K, sorts buying list to best offers first, adds the Token count to the pop-up confirmation for respec, and improves the loot tables and some of the Blueprint stats and variety throughout the game.

Thanks to everyone sharing feedback, encouraging us to keep up the pace and especially to those 5 players who left a review since our last update :hype:

New Style Options

We're continuing to work on expanding the options for appearance and your individual style, so with this update we've added 2 new outfit choices - an armored sheathe and a stylish dress with some fly boots. More options will be coming later this month as we press on ear decorations, more skin detail options, more masks and glasses.

Used Blueprints - for $1K?

We fixed a minor math rounding error once you used one of a Blueprint's uses. If a Blueprint was sitting at 1/2 Uses, … well 1/2 is as good as 0 right? It's worth $1K now! Lol, woops - that was bad math. Now the Blueprint pricing is fixed properly, and you'll get 50% of the value, as each use is truly worth it's weight in cubes.

Sorting Buying Offers

When you're shopping and looking to buy something new, we've now sorted the offers from contacts to put the best price first. While there can still be some subtleties beneath the price alone, this helps most purchases be less of a look-and-seek.

Respec Tokens

Respec'ing requires a SImStream Trainer token, so when considering confirming a respec you want to know how many tokens you have left. Thanks to some F10s on this subject, we've now added the token count to the pop-up confirmation window.

Reinforcements on Sigma 7 and 9

If you were facing Sigma 7 and 9, either could make first Escalation calls for reinforcements. While we want to highlight the differences between the different Sec AI, this isn't the right place to do it, so we have resolved the issue. Outside of some rare situations (… you quietly killed everyone with Sec Level 0), Reinforcements never appear as the result of the first Escalation.

On-Going Balance Improvements

We shared when the NANOFAB major milestone was hit that was we added over 300 new pieces of equipment and blueprints to the game that the balance would be a bit shaky for a while and that we had a list of to-do tasks to keep shaping the balance back toward optimal.

We're continuing to work on that each release, and this Update fixes some issues with medical item blueprints as well as increasing the variety and range of Blueprints that will appear in some looting situations. We've also fixed missing descriptions for a number of nano-drug blueprints.

If you have any questions about crafting, check out the NanoFab page on the Cyber Knights wiki.

v1.8.15 - 7/17/2024

- Added 2 new outfits options for characters - stylish and ninja
- Fixed issue with 1/2 used Blueprints selling for $1K
- Sorted buy offer list to put best price first
- When confirming Respec, the confirmation window now lists how many Simstream Trainer tokens you have left
- Fixed issue where Reinforcements could be called on 1st Escalation in Sigma 7 and 9
- Improved balance on Trauma Kits and improved variety of blueprints in loot
- Corrected descriptions for NanoFab pharmaceuticals
- Fixed bug that made deleting appearance from the library hard
- Fixed bug with empty blue square and invalid Talent sometimes appear in character status pop up
- Fixed bug with Credits screen