Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #114: Call-in Cleaners

Update #114: Call-in Cleaners
Version Date
July 20, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #114: Call-in Cleaners

It's Saturday and you just got an update. With this big bug fix update, we're focusing on hitting the most popular and troublesome F10s in the set this week, grinding on that polish-stone until it shines. Back at HQ, we're working on the next set of storylines and 2 new proc-gen maps and a new mission objective - Assassination - so stay tuned for more content additions!

To everyone playing, posting and hitting F10 - thank you! We hope you're enjoying the game, are here to chat and work hard to improve it. If you like what we've got cooking, please leave a review.

F10 as Camera WASD!?!?!

Ok, major mistake on our part - F10 was accidentally set as the default keybinding for panning the camera forward instead of … W. :facepalm: We fixed it in the defaults, but depending on when you started playing and if you've changed anything, you may need to go into the main menu > options > keybinding and reset defaults or rebind it specifically to W (or whatever).

Bodies and Security Tally Rules

We've fixed a few longstanding issues with how body timer security Tally is generated and displayed.

First, you will now see the Security Tally for a body that is about to expire appearing in the top right Tally bar. We need to finish the display where these are itemized you can better track these back to their source, but this should majorly cut down on "surprise Escalations" that didn't look they were going to happen and then … did.

Second, we've fixed an issue with dead bodies becoming known to the system by guards who are about to die. If guard A saw dead body B but then you killed guard A by the end of the Turn (as one does), then dead body B would be incorrectly counted as seen, Sec Tally would be added and the body timer would be canceled. This is now all correctly unwound in the case of deaths. If guard A and guard C saw dead body B but you only killed A, then B would still be known to the system and Sec Tally generated - because guard C got through the Turn alive. But if you wiped both A and C, then B goes back to being unknown correctly with a running body timer.

A lot to say - it works as it should at last!

Head Hunter Talents, Healing Items

With Update #114, we've granted some of the Head Hunter teams an additional +1 Talent slot which will give them more powers to use against you in the field. A little stiffer challenge, a little more unpredictable.

We've also given Head Hunters, and a few other enemy types, a big boost by fixing a bug that was causing them to use their medkit items even when they were at max HP. You might have seen Head Hunters arriving and spamming healing, gaining "0 HP" each time and then … well, not having any medkits for when the fighting starts! This is now fixed.

Also, basically all buff Talents from an enemy printed to the log that they were "Loyalty Mantra" which is not the case. This is now fixed.

HP Details in Status Window

Both enemies and characters now have a full HP stat block in their mid-mission window.

Power Level 1-3 Sniper Scopes

Some of the Blueprints for low level Sniper scope mods were overpowered and we've brought them back within the curve while still keeping them interesting.

Matrix Camera Lockup

If you disconnected from the matrix after inspecting security devices from the matrix HUD, the camera was locking up until you ended your turn or hit ESC. This is now fixed!

v1.8.25 - 7/20/2024

- Fixed issue where default pan camera forward was set to F10, not W :facepalm:
- Security Tally for dead bodies appears as yellow Tally correctly on the turn they will expire
- If an enemy discovers a dead body but then is killed in the same Turn, the body reverts to unknown
- Most Head Hunters and team get +1 Talent slot; more abilities, more challenge!
- Fixed enemies using their medkit items early when they are not injured
- Fixed enemies always claiming they were using Talent "Loyalty Mantra" when they were using so many other things
- Added current / max HP details to character and enemy status window mid-mission
- Improved balance of low Power Level (1-3) Sniper Scopes
- Fixed issue with Wasteland Coyote's background tag just reading "for"
- Fixed issue with camera locking up after inspecting security devices inside matrix
- Fixed issues with scrollbars in matrix and character status windows
- Fixed issues with Respec sometimes reporting -1 tokens
- Improved display of controller center-screen cursor during pause menu, F10 menu