Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #117: Street Tech

Update #117: Street Tech
Version Date
July 28, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #117: Street Tech

Knights and mercs - we're back with another update and some key improvements and a big bundle of F10 fixes. Our next update will introduce a new map and a new exciting proc-gen objective type, but first we need to get this patch on the street to address some of your requests and bug reports. We've remixed SFX, improved barracks tagging, added more lore entries, tweaked how range display works in hovers, improved the visual of where your hacker is in the matrix and done some stunning (lol) re-org of the options screen into tabs. Let's dig in!

If you're enjoying how our team is running Early Access, please take a moment to leave a review. A review now is a big help for us to keep going and remember, you can always edit it later! 

Remixed Sec Escalation SFX

We've heard from a number of players that some of the SFX are remixed too loud. We made some changes in an update earlier this week but are back with special focus now on the Sec Escalation SFX that can play at the end of the turn and is way out-of-band too loud. Hopefully this update really pulls it to a better level. Let us know about any SFX issues you have, we're continuing to work to improve!

We've also greatly reduced the intense SFX that was played when you opened the color picking window in appearance. Wow, that was a bit much!

Better Barracks Tagging

With Update #117, we've added a new "Training" tag at the top level of the barracks, letting you know if you have mercs ready to train. We've also fixed a longstanding mistake in counting, where someone recovering from cybernetic surgery would count as -2 Ready Mercs. This has likely been the cause of most of the F10s about bad counting, so we're excited to see this behind us.

Agent EX Signal Graft

We fixed the mistake with Agent EX's Signal Graft Talent which protects you from triggering certain types of security devices. These devices were still giving movement alerts even with the Talent active. Now we've resolved that and if the device won't trigger than you won't get an alert in your movement path.

Journal for D-Cartel

We're continuing to round out the journal lore entries for factions and added the D-Street Cartel, aka the D-Cartel, with this latest update. In addition, the Faction page on the Cyber Knights wiki has been updated with all the latest details from the in-game journal as well.

Matrix Current Node

We fixed two bugs with the recently added Matrix hacking current node selection. First, it always follows you now. It was not accurately following the hacker and second it also follows the hacker being forcefully teleported in the host to another node by either an IC or the Q-Sec Escalation.

Range Clarity

When hovering over a target within 10m we now add an extra decimal value for extra clarity. We were having players see "2m" in the hover and think that they should be in range with their 2m melee weapon but the range is really 2.5m and you're not in range. You can also always check the bottom left corner for helpful values about number of targets in range of your current position or movement destination with either weapon.

Better Options Screen

As the game has gained more and more options, things have become increasingly hard to find. More players have asked when we will add the feature to rebind keys for example :D

So, to help make the big types of options and features clearer, we've split options out into tab groups. I know… breaking huge ground here, what a novel thought, we're the first, it's amazing! … when the rest of the industry catches up, you can thank us :P

Favor Limit Breaks

We've fixed a few more bugs with Contact Limit Breaks and Favors. We fixed issues where the Power Level Limit Break could lock the screen up, where spending a Favor would sometimes not add a new option and still eat the Favor.

v1.8.33 - 7/28/2024

- Remixed SFX for Sec Level raise and Escalation played often at end of turn
- Added new lore Journal Entries for D-Cartel
- Improved tag set and counting rules for Barracks tags, added "Training" tag
- Fixed issue with double-counting mercs in cybernetic surgery that caused tag counts to be wrong
- Movement alerts for security devices no longer incorrectly appear for Agent EX's Signal Graft Talent
- When showing range in hovers less than 10m, a decimal is added for clarity (2.5m)
- Improved organization of (too long) options menu to be in tabbed groups - Graphics, Sound, Controls, Gameplay
- Fixed issue when selling something worthy of a Favor to a contact with 0 Favors, was incorrectly listed as "1 Favor worth $80K"
- Fixed issue with Contact Limit Break and the Power Level offer
- Fixed overly big SFX when opening appearance color changing window
- Fixed issues where animator selector on current node in Matrix wasn't following hacker or didn't teleport
- Fixed issue where hitting ESC or (B) on Contact Limit Break would leave game locked up
- Improved controller support for start button, preventing it from opening menu in the middle of screens it shouldn't
- Fixed issues with program image appearing for Intrinsic Weapon Mod blueprints