Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #119: District HQ

Update #119: District HQ
Version Date
Aug. 1, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #119: District HQ

Two days, two new maps! We're excited to roll out Update #119 with another map to play for the new assassinate VIP objective type. In June and July we smashed roadmap milestone after milestone but now we're getting ready for the late summer deluge of content - maps, missions, stories, recruits and more. Time to make this game deep! So with Update #119, we're rolling out new proc-gen map, improved the bodyguard behavior once a VIP goes down, fixed a lingering bug with double-counted corpses, fixed a sneaky longstanding bug with extra Silencers being generated if you were swapping characters in new game and made a list of quality improvements to the H Interchange map rolled out yesterday.

If you're enjoying the pace of updates and improvements to the game, please consider leaving a review as a way to thank our small team and push us to keep going!

New Map for Assassinations - District HQ

With Update #119, we're excited to roll out another new map - the District HQ - which appears one of the options in the new assassination proc-gen objective type. This new map has a cool city district style that is really beautiful and you'll find some new unique rooftop challenges here as the enemy forces have had a time to fortify this zone against attackers.

We've also fixed all reported issues with yesterday's release of the new map and assassination objective. There was one VIP landing zone where the ZIP was trapped and couldn't move and another funny situation where you contact was congratulating themself about the assassination gone well.

Finally, we fixed a bunch of starting camera positions that were rotated into geometry or rotated so that you couldn't see the characters.

Improved VIPs and Bodyguards

Our first big round of improvements toward getting VIPs and bodyguards to coordinate their actions went pretty well. They are much better at sticking together and bodyguards are now resolute in their fast movement to take tactical positions in a circular fashion around the VIP and protect them.

With this update, we've fixed some of the bodyguard behavior after the VIP is dead to be sure they don't mill around stupidly and instead try to take retribution on the attackers.

We'll keep working on improving this set of intelligence and especially are excited to add some new Talents to the bodyguards' bags to help make them better defenders.

Double Count Corpses

We fixed a bug - thanks for the F10s! - introduced a few updates ago that could cause a body to be "double counted". An enemy would discover a corpse and then the Sec AI would receive multiple reports of fatalities on that turn. This is now resolved - each body is counted exactly once when it is first discovered and if the discoverer is killed on the same Turn, the body reverts to be undiscovered.

New Game Silencer Pile

We're excited to fix a sneaky, longstanding bug and a mystery that has been blamed on the EQ system for quite some times. Some players find that they have silencers in a pile in their inventory at some point in the game. Sometimes 14/14 … that makes no sense, there are only 4 equipped on my characters! Sometimes 56/56 … wut?

The true cause of this was actually switching characters in new game could leave silencers hanging around. If you tested out enough team combos, it could leave a lot of silencers around!

We're excited to have this fixed for future new games :D

v1.8.37 - 8/1/2024

- Added new proc-gen map "District HQ" for mission objective Assassination
- Added more variety for mission names, especially bodyguard missions
- Further improved behavior for VIPs and bodyguards - better guarding routine
- Fixed issue with one VIP/bodyguard arrival where they are stuck on the rooftop and don't move
- Fixed funny Contact thanking themselves for completing the assassination mission lol
- Fixed bad starting camera angles in new H Interchange map
- Improved lighting and fixed some flickering elements in new H Interchange map
- Fixed new game issue where changing characters could result in extra Silencers later
- Fixed reported typos