Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #122: Corruption Runs Deep

Update #122: Corruption Runs Deep
Version Date
Aug. 8, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #122: Corruption Runs Deep

It is late summer in New Boston and the content is coming in waves, like the black sludge slapping up against the quays in the Boston Harbor. With Update #122, we've added a new storyline to the game, an echo of the Carnivore Job you may have already encountered, which also triggers a new source that can send a Head Hunter after you. In addition, we've fixed one of the last major bugs in the mission map - the dreaded Overwatch freeze or walking in slow motion bug - added Matrix LInk 1 to the cybernetics available at the start of the game, made Wounds more expensive and time consuming to Treat, fixed Vanguard's Refract and improved lighting conditions in a number of levels.

If you're enjoying the pace of updates, please take a moment to leave a review on the game. We're working hard to blow up the game's content this month, so let's blow up our review count too!

Carnivore Echos

If you've encountered the Carnivore Job already or not, you'll be on the hunt for a corrupt cop you can get on your payroll. This can be a big pay off in jobs, Leverage and storylines later, as well as getting access to some milsec specialist items. In addition, you might make some enemies.

The Carnivore Echos storyline follows up on the loose ends from the storyline and possibly other storylines - such as Snitch Snuff out - and opens new doors to future interesting encounters.

With this update, you'll have another story-driven chance for a Head Hunter team to start pursuing you, so keep your weapons loaded and your blades sharp.

Overwatch Freeze or Slow-Mo Walking Freeze

There were a number of ways this nasty bug could manifest. We've been hunting it for months without every successfully landing a reproduction case. So a big thanks for out to @Revan from Discord who posted up a game that reliably hung every single turn. After a few hours with the F10, we were able to uncover the sneaky root cause (an animation trigger that was not getting reset, so the game was waiting for someone to finish moving who was never moving in the first place…) and put in a fix. This is the last known freeze that could occur on the mission map ːsteamhappyː

As always, if you see something, hit F10 and we're going to get right to work fixing and improving!

Vanguard's Refract Fixed

We broke Vanguard's Refract in Update #121 with the camera patch. It is back better than ever. It now has movement assistance points along it that will help you movement snap into positions so that you don't accidentally cross it. Also, Refract now longer causes Grenades to bounce, as it blocks sight but not physical objects.

Select from Multi-Monitor

You can now select which monitor the game should play on from within the game's options screen. The list is a 1-indexed array (there is no 0), so pick your option and the game will remember that for you in future loads.

Ready to Go Matrix Link

Up to this point, you had to complete the investment in Dr. Ashe's Clinic or find another cybernetic splicer in order to get access to Matrix Link 1 or 2. This made multi-classing into Hacker unfairly more difficulty than Scourge or Agent EXj, as we added those cybernetic implants to the starting set when those classes were released. So, now Hacker multi-classing is available immediately, if you have the time, will and the money.

Wound Treatment and Res Debuffs

We've improved the balance for Wound Treatment - it is harder and more expensive to take care of Wounds, which makes it more likely that they will have time to worsen into higher level issues for you. Also, we've given all Wounds a small Stress Res debuff, and some wounds like Flashbacks, a larger Stress Res debuff. Being Wounded at will now have more of a snowball effect, leading to more Stress points and more chances for negative Limit Breaks.

Snitch Snuff - Frozen VIP

We fixed a bug caused by some adjustments to the navigation rules about how close you can get to hovertrucks that were causing the VIP in Snitch Snuff not to be able to go to their exit in one of the two exit options. Watch out - that VIP can book it!

Lighting Improvements

We're always working on improving lighting, props and environmental feeling in the levels. With this update we've made some nice adjustments to a few levels in the street theme that will help them feel more dark and gritty, including Haven Smokeout.

v1.8.43 - 8/8/2024

- Added new storyline echo after Carnivore Job
- Storyline adds new source of Head Hunters coming after you
- New monitor select dropdown in Options screen lets you pick which monitor the game should play on
- Fixed bug that could freeze game during Overwatch fire or leave an enemy walking in place and game frozen
- Matrix Link 1 now available from Dr. Ashe at start of new game
- Increased price of Treating Wounds, increased debuff to Wound and Stress Res from all Wounds
- Fixed issue with Vanguard's Refract suddenly not working
- Fixed issue with Snitch not fleeing in all setups for Snitch Snuff mission
- Improved lighting and materials in some levels and environments