Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #123: Vision of Sleet Gray

Update #123: Vision of Sleet Gray
Version Date
Aug. 9, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #123: Vision of Sleet Gray

The weekend is about to get rolling in New Boston, so naturally its time for an update We've hit a hit swathe of big F10s with this update - an exciting follow up to yesterday's story release. We've added display of ranges for disabled security devices, add a much needed quantity slider for buy and sell, adding a Remove Mods button for weapons, added new filters for Power Level and Weapon Weight to all inventory and market screens, fixed a critical bug with Contact Limit Breaks and high level Traits, and a ton of other issues as well.

We're working hard on improving the game based on your bug reports and feedback and suggestions. Thanks for your F10s and your posts to the forum to help us getting these improvements straight into the game with hesitation.

If you like how we are running Early Access, please take a moment to leave a review!

Preview Ranges of Disable Security Systems

If you disable a security device, it can become pretty difficult to know what it will do when it turns back on and exactly how much range you have to stay clear of its sight cone. For laser wires and pressure plates, this is easy but the information was simply hidden for vision systems like Cameras, Radar Arrays and Motion Detectors.

With Update #122, if you hover over a disabled security device - specifically Camera, Radar Array or Motion Detector - you will see the widget appear in gray, semi-transparent lines to give you the sense of what its capabilities are.

Quantity for Buy & Sell

With Update #122, we've added a much needed slider for quantity when buying or selling equipment.
  • For buying, this simply indicates how many you wish to purchase. There is no bulk discount, but this simplifies buying 20 HE Grenades for your team if you are using a lot of them. Note, this also means that Items which used to be sold in sets of 4 are now sold 1 at a time, except you can slide for quantity. Pricing is now a lot simpler!
  • For selling, this slider only appears for equipment types that stack cleanly like Items, Weapon Mods, Armor. You can easily slide up the quantity to sell up to the maximum number of the equipment you have to sell. You're pure money offer will just rise with the quantity sold. Favors are offered if an individual sale results in a Favor offer, not from the group sale price. Which leads to the last bullet -
  • Purposefully, there is no gameplay advantage to using either UI pathway.
This is a great and much needed improvement. We are not done yet, the next step is to add buil pricing which will allow faster and easier sell of mixed types and things that don't stack cleanly (files, blueprints, accounts).

Remove Mods

For faster removal of mods and reconfiguration of equipment, there is a new Remove Mods button that will strip mods from a weapon in a single click. Just select the main weapon, and you'll find Remove Mods in its button bar in the top right. Notably, if you have locked mods on a weapon due to crafting them in, they will not be removed by this feature.

This improvement also ensures that when a weapon is sold any of its unlocked mods are automatically removed and dropped back into your inventory.

Power Level & Weapon Weight Filters

Power Level filters have now been added across the board, enabling you to filter rapidly for specific Power Level bands, such as 2 to 4. This can help you while shopping to remove clutter of lower level items or help you sort a larger inventory for specific things.

In addition, we've added the Weight filter for weapons, which are either Heavy or Light.

this is how it looked when things went BUMP

Contact Limit Breaks for Traits

We've fixed a critical bug affecting Contact Limit Breaks for Traits. Sometimes instead of upgrading 1 Trait Level, the Trait would upgrade 2 levels. This could lead to the situation where a Trait upgrades from 3 to 5 in a single hop … but 4 is the maximum level! The trait just hopped off the end.

Tonight's fix stops the bleeding - Trait upgrades are back to 1 level at a time and more carefully respect the maximum level of 4. The next step here will be to do some careful repair of Contacts who have these dead Traits, fixing them back to what they were before. We'll be coming bac to this but for now, the critical bug is fixed.

Power Utility Error Message

Power Utility flows in 4 chains through your Safehouse. The first link is the Command HQ. The second links in the 4 chains are the rooms adjacent to the elevator, and then third link in each of the 4 chains is the room not adjacent to the elevator. No part of the chain may have a higher Power Utility than the next link up the chain.

This was not clearly communicated in the error message in the outer room - that it might not be able to raise your Power Utility because the room closer to the elevator has a Power Utility that is lower.

Always Visible Cover Shield

Sometimes the cover shield display near your movement location was clipping into geometry in an ugly way and sometimes it would completely disappear into geometry making it impossible to tell what type of cover you were scoring here. With this update, we've improved the shader on the cover shield so that it will always be visible through any geometry, even if you are on the far side of some object.

Lingering Special Effects

We fixed a bug with Brainworm, White Noise, Disorient and a few other abilities where the special effect was lasting beyond the duration. This is now cleaned up and all working as expected.

v1.8.45 - 8/9/2024

- Disabled cameras, radar arrays, motion detectors all show grayed out range if hovered over
- Added quantity slider to buy / sell; anything that stacks cleanly (items, weapon mods, armor, programs, decks) can be multi-sell
- Removed old scheme of items selling in packs of 4, all items are bought and sold with easy quantity slider
- Added Remove Mods button to weapons to quickly strip mods
- Added new filter group Heavy/Light for weapons
- Added min/max Power Level filter to Contacts, Inventory, Cold Storage and Equipping
- Added min/max Character Level filter to Roster
- Improved error message when trying to upgrade Power Utility on a room but the room closer to the elevator has lower Power
- Improved cover shield to show through geometry and always be visible so it isn't half hiding (or completely hiding) in things
- Fixed bug where Contact Limit Breaks for Trait upgrades could result in deleted Trait
- Fixed issues with Brainworm, Disorient, White Noise and other special effects not ending at the right time
- Fixed issue with calculation of price during crafting that could block craft even though you have enough money
- Fixed bugs with controllers using filters, selection could jump into the grid incorrectly
- Fixed bug with Clean Room description being nonsense directly after it started a build task