Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #124: Growing Recruit Pool

Update #124: Growing Recruit Pool
Version Date
Aug. 11, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #124: Growing Recruit Pool

Today's update focuses on expanding the possible recruit roster, some exciting new Traits that come along with that, catching up on a security device missed in the gray outlines from last update and finalizing the fixes for a few bugs we caused in releasing Update #123.

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Underworld Hub: 1st Cybersword

The Underworld Hub recruiting option offers a number of advantages - you can recruit higher level characters here and also you can pick the class you're interested in instead of hoping that your connections come up with someone who fits you from the street.

However, the recruits available from the Underworld Hub are very limited - in fact, up until Update #124, only one Soldier recruit has been offered. We're excited to start the process of blowing that recruit pool up with options, and the first to join is a new Cybersword. Thanks to the Kickstarter backer who created this exciting new character.

As more recruits filter into the hub over the following months, you'll be able to swell your ranks, better arrange the classes on your squad, try out new Traits and Backstories and replace losses.

Finally, we fixed the icons shown with each recruit offer in the Underworld Hub so it is visually clear.

Embarking into new Trait Territory

With the new Cybersword recruit joining the hub, we've broken ground on two new types of Trait effects that we haven't seen in the game so far. The Traits available for the new Cybersword are good "foot in the door" Traits for these two new types, as more will follow.

The first is that character Traits can affect crafting rules, in this case reducing NanoFab pricing in certain situations. The second is that character Traits can react to actions within a mission

Disabled Proximity Mines

Prox MInes felt left out after yesterdays update to vision systems, allowing you to hover over disabled cameras, radar arrays and motion detectors.

Restored File Sets and Item Blueprint Names

With Update #123, we broke File Sets so they no longer appeared (thanks Power Level filter!) and broke Blueprint names for item Blueprints (thanks multi-sell!). We hotfixed the issue with File Sets but have included the fix for the Blueprint names with this update. Sorry for both of these!

v1.8.47 - 8/10/2024

- New Underworld Hub Recruit - Cybersword!
- New type of Traits that takes effect after mission based on mission events
- New type of Traits that can affect NanoFab pricing
- Fixed incorrect icons in Underworld Hub recruiting offers - correct class icons
- Added gray outline for disabled Proximity mines after they have been enabled by Sec AI but disabled by Talent, Leverage or Hack
- Fixed issue with Blueprints for Items all having bad names like Blueprint.3.313
- Fixed issue with File Sets all disappearing