Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #125: Matrix File Hunt is On!

Update #125: Matrix File Hunt is On!
Version Date
Aug. 12, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #125: Matrix File Hunt is On!

Another night on the New Boston town, another heist, another big update! With Update #125, we've added a new proc-gen hacking mission objective, improved late game economy balance, fixed tagging issues and performance boost for Roster, fixed looping Exposure Limit Breaks, better updated the HUD after killing an enemy and Grenades cost 2 AP again! There is so much good stuff in this one, check the release notes.

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New Matrix Hunt Proc-Gen Mission

In proc-gen land, we're excited to roll out an all new hacker-only mission focused on finding and downloading files. The Matrix Hunt mission type sets you up - on the clock - to break into a host and find 3 valuable paydata files scattered across the host's nodes. Much like Kill 3 captains, your payment hinges on each file found where you can gain 33% per file. It only takes 1 file to be called a Victory but the real money is with all 3. It's awesome to see new objectives filtering into the hack-only missions as well as the meatspace maps and missions.

The current iteration of this mission is styled such that it is a great fit for your Street Docs, Nu-Vudu practitioners and drug runners, contacts who haven't been as present in the proc-gen circuit up to this point, giving a new way to get them Influence points.

High Power Level Missions

There are still big movers in the game's economy settling down. The ability to make upwards of $5m on a single phase mission in the high-end Power Levels is still running too high. While we're probably not done adjusting this (as more multi-stage missions will arrive), we've tuned this down into the $4m zone, which is still, frankly, a lot.

Better Roster Tags, Filters, Performance

Ohhh the barracks character roster got faster! We're excited to roll out a huge performance boost, if you had any delay in that screen popping up it should be absolutely crushed. This makes a huge difference if you were trying to filter by character level, which was laggy before but now is buttery smooth.

We've also fixed a number of places where mercs who shouldn't be counted for tags - Dead mercs were being counted as Wounded (even though Dead beats Wounded in Dead-Wound-Scissors) and recruits were being counted as Training Ready (even though you can't train them).

Endless Limit Break Loop

If you're stuck in an endless Limit Break loop with a Contact, we've probably fixed your issue tonight. We're not sure why some many players ended up with this bug being for Henninger, but here we are fixing the Exposure Limit Break loop so you can get back to your games.

Updating Attack/Hear Numbers on Kill

There was no system in place to keep the bottom left numbers - for how many will hear my attack or how many can I attack from here - current after an enemy was killed. This did lead to a lot of "off by one" feelings with the numbers shown on your weapon tiles. We've plugged this bug!

Contact Hover Details

We're working on rolling out a new Contact hover that will be useful everywhere it goes to get a peak a Contact's big stats without having to drop back to the Contact list. For now, it is solely available in mission planning but needs to be visible in more places and also include the services tag list.

Fixed and Slimmed Filters

We slimmed down the appearance of the Power Level filters so that they eat up less vertical screenspace. We also fixed how Contact filters were working so that they are filtering as you'd expect compared to the rest of the set.

Recruit Offers

Now that recruit offers in the Underworld Hub are getting more interest, we've improved the UI to make the sub-offers more clear when they aren't available to pick. The Soldier and Cybersword recruits now visually leap out of the group, ready to pick. Good thing more are coming!

Safehouse Uninstall Rules

We've fixed 2 nagging bugs about uninstalling a safehouse room. You could - in previous release- destroy a safehouse room even if its benches were active. This would leave a crafting item in eternal limbo or leave a character in the detox stuck for a while. Now, it is prohibited to remove a room if any bench is busy - so finish up first!

Second, uninstalling or canceling a room's construction was removing it from the build list "for a while." This was a caching issue we've resolved now.

Grenades AP

For anyone who was enjoying throwing grenades for 0 AP, we are sorry. The 2 AP cost has returned!

v1.8.51 - 8/13/2024

- Added new type of proc-gen hacking mission objective - Matrix Hunt - find 3 paydata files each pays 33%
- Fixed bug sometimes prevent Agent EX Talent named Armor EX from being allowed to run
- Added helpful Contact hover to mission planning
- Reduced mission payments for missions at Power Level 7-10
- Big performance boost to Roster, fixed slow filters for Character Level
- Fixed tag counts for Wounded Roster not to include dead or dismissed mercs
- Fixed tag counts for Training in Roster not to include potential recruits (who you cannot train)
- Fixed issue with Exposure Limit Break possibly looping infinitely and jamming timeline
- Improved sight lines in mission map, fixed bugs with sight lines and melee weapons
- Fixed issue where attack/hear counts were not updating in HUD after death of target
- Fixed issue with Grenades suddenly not costing AP to throw
- Improved Initiative timeline action in HUD if there are too many enemies to fit (does not cover Sec Level)
- Fixed Contact list filters Friendly and Enemy not working well
- Fixed bug in Safehouse where destroying / canceling an in progress room could make it disappear from the build list for a while
- No longer allowed to destroy a room if any of its benches (Crafting, Detox) are occupied
- Made disabled token offers in Safehouse rooms (like Recruits) more obvious
- Reduced size dedicated to Power Level filters in all inventory/market screens