Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #128: Sparking Circuitry

Update #128: Sparking Circuitry
Version Date
Aug. 20, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #128: Sparking Circuitry

Welcome to the late night scene in New Boston. The lights are low but there's still an update to be had. This update follows up on the major milestone HACK THE PLANET and all the new cyberdeck and matrix improvements along with the long-awaited Matrix Tutorial. With Update #128, we've improved (and raised) the max programs rating on most decks, fixed issues preventing you from repair cyberdecks sometimes, fixed a duplicate hotkey in the deck screen, and fixed all reported typos and clarifications requests in the matrix tutorial.

If you're enjoying the constant push in quality, content and features - please take a minute to leave a review and tell a friend!

Update Size Reduction

As the game has evolved and more and more levels and assets have been enabled, the asset packing organization has slipped a bit. We've had too many updates recently in the multiple GB when they shouldn't need to be that large.

Unfortunately, to do anything about this, we need to push an update where we improve the organization but that makes a ton of changes in the build … and results in a big update. We know another 4.6 GB update is painful, so we're sorry and hopefully this is the one that will bring us back down to sub 1 GB updates more regularly.

Improved Max Program Counts

We've taken the first needed balance step after the big update - raising max program counts on decks and improving the progression of max program counts for decks so that you are always seeing some improvement as you pay big dollars for new decks.

Deck Repair Stuck

If you hit a situation where your cyberdeck was no longer offering the repair option even though you had damage, this is now fixed. Please proceed to repairing!

We've also fixed an issue where Start Repair and Delete Program were overlapping on hotkeys which could be a real pain in some situations.

Matrix Tutorial Feedback

First, we are super excited that the tutorial has gone over so well! We've heard a lot of positive feedback about learnig things and hacking things and hacking all the banks and things - so it seems to be going great :D

And thanks for the mountain of F10s! We've parsed them all and fixed every typo reported and addressed every clarification request. We will be adding an option to replay the tutorial in a saved game on demand, so that will be nice as a way to replay in the future.

File Set Minting and Rooms

We've removed the requirement when minting a File Set to have a specific room. Minting V-Chips required the Underworld Hub and minting Programs required the Hacking Station. This was cool but also tough sell because it puts specific requirements on how you build your base. Consider that you have to make choices and therefore chose not to have some room, which might be the Hacking Station for example, it no longer fits to prevent you from minting a Program in that case.

Slashslide and 0% Accuracy

Sometimes, when your Cybersword did a Slashslide, the second and third targets would be attacked with 0% Accuracy (which you could only see in the log), which would cause a very weak glancing hit. We've fixed the bug here - so Slide on!

v1.8.57 - 8/21/2024

- Improved progression of Max Programs for decks, rises faster
- Fixed bug where Cyberdeck could get stuck with Damage that was irreparable
- Fixed bug where Repair Cyberdeck and Delete Program shared same hotkey
- Fixed many typos in Matrix Tutorial, adjusted lines - thanks for all the feedback!!
- Removed requirement for Hacking Station to mint Programs and Underworld Hub to mint V-Chips
- Fixed issue where attacks after the first in Slashslide might have 0% Accuracy and just get weak glancing blow
- Fixed issue with mercs MP bonuses not showing correctly after Mad Dash Leverage applied
- Fixed issue with all buffs/debuff icons shown in red in merc status, now buffs are shown with green icon
- Adjusted asset packing organization to improve update size in the future