Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #13: Sniper's New Bag

Update #13: Sniper's New Bag
Version Date
Nov. 6, 2023

Patch Notes

Update #13: Sniper's New Bag

Update #13 drops a big economic patch so you can make some real bank off your looting efforts, adjusts and buffs Sniper class to be more fun and less restrictive, and drops a mountain of fixes on Hacking, the Class tree and polishes up the Salvage Breakout levels a bit more.

Thanks again for everyone submitting F10s! We're excited to keep the pacing burning hot and fixing and improving constant. If you're enjoying the pace of updates to the game, please tell a friend and leave a review!

Next update – more content and then hitting some of the November roadmap items!

Economic Loot Pricing Fixes

The biggest impact for Update #13 is the adjustment and fixes to Cold Storage pricing display and pricing value. We've resolved the issue where the shown price was often nowhere near the price you'd be truly offered by a contact. There are still going to be variations as each Contact has different interest, Traits, etc but the prices are close.

Second, we've fixed the issue where so many things were simply selling for $1K. That wasn't helping your team's economy very much. Now, you should be able to make some good money, especially or Rare, Exotic or Legendary loot.

Sniper's New Bag

We've made a number of improvements and buffs to the Sniper's abilities to help make them more fun to play, less situational and more in line with the power sets of other classes like Cybersword.

First off, we've removed the requirement from Skullshot, Zeroed Sights and Weak Spot to be on a Hit Streak. Hit Streak is a fun mechanic and you can build a Sniper around it but it was too restrictive to force some much of the Alpha Kill part of the class tree to rely on the rarely-move, never-miss ways of the Hit Streaker.

Second, we've improved Skullshot to do just what it always should have - grant 3 AP, enough for another Sniper Rifle shot! Let the headshots rain! Reign? Rain! With this change, the extra +Crit % bonus has been swapped out into Skullshot's upgrade tree.

Hacker's Packet Loss

Hacker's Packet Loss was previously refreshing disabled device durations which did not match how everyone was hoping and wanting to use it. Now it will add directly to disabled device durations, allowing you to keep high priority devices offline longer by hammering them with the Talent.

Matrix AP Fixed

If you were hitting issues were you were getting 0 AP after Disconnecting from a Matrix host, these are now fixed. When you connect, or your turn starts already connected, you get your real world AP x 10 + Matrix AP boosted in. Once you've disconnected, you'll get a maximum of your real world (AP - 1) or your (Matrix AP / 10) whichever is lower. So - you're charged for the Matrix at maximum 1 AP or whatever you use while hacking.

Class Tree Fixes

We worked our way through about 20 F10s about broken things in the class tree for this update - here are the fixes. Hacker's Spoof now has its upgrades showing. The Knight Stopgap upgrades have been adjusted and the +/- Evasion issue is fixed. We've removed the nonsensical multi-Turn armor buff for Cybersword's Shielded Rush and instead extended its reach another +1 AP.

We've also rolled out the last 10 icon fixes for the class trees :hype:! That was 111 new icons, quite the grind.

Salvage Breakout Fixes

We've made the description of Stage 1A and 1B more clear in regards to how direct the path is with or without a hacker. We've also fixed some odd navigation along one of the fence lines that was the source of quite a few F10s.

v1.0.39 - 11/6/2023

- Fixed economics of Cold Storage - if you see a price listed, that is sell price (+/- Contact specific Traits and relationship)
- Improved Sniper build options and fun of play - Skullshot, Zeroed Sights and Weak Spot no longer require being on Hit Streak
- Upgraded Sniper's Skullshot to +3 AP for killing shot, moved +25% Crit bonus into upgrades
- Upgraded Hacker's Packet Loss to work better and just extend disabled duration for already disabled devices
- Added and updated last 10 Talent icons
- Fixed issue with Stress / Edge meter always showing the same negative/positive value
- Fixed bug with AP being set to 0 on disconnect from Matrix incorrectly
- Improved description of 2 starting stages in Salvage Breakout and how they relate to take a hacker or not
- Improved some navigation issues in Salvage Breakout stage 1 around the barrier near hoverpad
- Fixed missing upgrades for Hacker's Spoof Talent in class tree
- Fixed Knight class tree issues with Stopgap upgrades
- Fixed 5th upgrade node of Cybersword's Shielded Rush