Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #130: Loot Restored + Can't Dismiss This!

Update #130: Loot Restored + Can't Dismiss This!
Version Date
Aug. 23, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #130: Loot Restored + Can't Dismiss This!

This morning we're rolling out a rapid set of fixes to catch up on bugs and F10s that have been hanging around this last week. It's a nice cleanup to get us ready for the next big content push! Here's what we've got for you -

Empty Lootboxes

Some of the work we are doing in prep for a major drop of new proc-gen missions caused a bug in existing missions with lootboxes. A lot of lootboxes were coming up empty. Any mission generated before this update is installed may have empty lootboxes.

Passive Leverages

Especially in the matrix, players were getting confused about Passive Leverages which go into effect automatically but are still displayed in the Leverage list and pretend that they can be activated. Very confusing! With this update, we've added a Passive tag so help identify them and removed the options to activate them which is not actually possible.

Dismissing Rules

To help reduce your clicks, if you dismiss a merc, you now take all their armor, weapons, items and cyberdeck. You could have done with anyway, but it just takes a lot of clicking, so we made it automatic and simple for you.

We've also fixed a number of other issues around dismissing - you could dismiss dead characters, who knew! You could dismiss mercs who were already dismissed!?! It wasn't good, it made bugs.

Matrix Dmg and Buffs

There was a mistake in the print of Attack program damage ranges once you got buffed with Rampage or other buffs. The damage wasn't accurately updated, which is now fixed and the values show the real range you might hit at. Yummy - digital destruction!

Matrix Buff Coloration

Speaking of Matrix buffs, for a while all effects in the matrix have been styled as a red debuff, regardless of if they were good or bad. We've now updated the buff list (just like the physical list) to get the colors correct and make them more clear to the eye.

v1.8.61 - 8/23/2024

- Fixed issue with empty lootboxes appearing across levels
- Improved tagging on Leverages to display Passive Leverages with a tag and stop them from looking like they can be activated
- Dismissing a merc will automatically remove all equipment, cyberdeck, etc (save you clicks)
- Prevented Dismissing already dismissed mercs (?!?), dead mercs and recruits
- Fixed incorrectly displayed damage range in Matrix attack Talents when +Dmg buff is active
- Matrix effects are now correctly colored by buff/debuff
- Fixed issue with Roster where character could be stuck after removing Cyberdeck