Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #132: Wildfire X FireCOM- Full Auto Comes to Play

Update #132: Wildfire X FireCOM- Full Auto Comes to Play
Version Date
Aug. 27, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #132: Wildfire X FireCOM- Full Auto Comes to Play

Following up with the MAGNITUDE v2 update yesterday, we've got a big burst of new and dangerous enemies, better enemy progression and better enemy variety across the game. We've also further boosted the Field Ops Delay Mission token, evened out the balance in the Siege missions and fixed bugs from reported F10s.

Welcome to the new Knights piling into the New Boston zone! Get ready for updates and improvements. Be sure to hit F10 if you see something that is broken or could be improved.

And, if you're enjoying how we approach Early Access, please drop a review!

Enemies using Full Auto: Wildfire and FireCOM

We've added a number of new enemy types across factions - FireCOM variations for the different corporate groups and WIldfire for the Street and Syndicate. These heavier troops carry a variety of Full Auto capable Assault Rifles and Urban Assaults and are equipped to take the Full Auto shot to hit multiple mercs on your team.

These new enemies are a good start - watch your firing angles, be more careful clumping your mercs and consider who the highest priority target is in the enemy squad.

More Abilities Coming

We are at the bottom of a big climb, preparing to add tons of new abilities and enemy types to the game. Full Auto is the first through the gate and grenades will be piling through next (flash bang, explosive, Molotov, and healing for more effective enemy combat medics). Then we'll be moving on to persistent on map effects like traps and more.

Then it will be the season of the drone.

Further Enemy Progression Balance

This update improves the sweep of progression available to many enemy types and factions within the game. A number of enemies were still stranded somewhere between Power Level 1 to 6 and unable to scale above that point. This update adds a ton of scaling range for Street, Syndicate, Warner-Braun and megacorporate enemies. Some enemies now also receive key armor upgrades at high (7+) Power Levels, such as Street Shotgunners picking up 1 Protection Point to help them survive closing.

Field Ops Delaying with Tokens

We've heard from players the need for even more flexibility to delay missions some times, and the limit of 1-delay-per-mission can sometimes feel very limiting, especially when it comes down to the Cyber Knight in recovery, treatment or needing to go under for cyber surgery.

With Update #132, we've extended the ruling to allow 2 tokens maximum to be used to delay a mission. We've also tuned the delay bonus for different room levels, flattening it out so that it's basically +1 day per level and ends at +8 days.

Siege Balance

To help the Siege objective play better and fit into the kind of timing that other missions require, we've cut back on the waves a bit. These are still some of the more difficulty missions in the game at the moment, especially if you draw the wrong faction like Brave Star. Maybe this time just let them have that chunk of Los Z turf?

v1.8.65 - Update #2: Wildfire X FireCOM

- Certain enemy types now use Full Auto attacks to hit multiple mercs
- Added 3 new Full Auto enemy types (names, description, visuals): FireCOM enemies from corporate, Warner-Braun FireCOM and Street Wildfire
- Syndicate Whistlers also can use Full Auto attacks now (and cause multiple bleeds in the act)
- AR carrying Head Hunters will now use Full Auto
- Syndicate Whistler's far more likely to appear when facing Syndicates
- Improved scaling for enemies - high-end enemies from Street, Syndicate, Corporate, Warner-Braun all have more room to scale
- Improved variety of enemy spawn combinations significantly for all factions
- Field Ops Center tokens can now be used to delay a mission twice
- Improved balance of Siege proc-gen objective and size of spawn waves
- Fixed issue with roster sometimes getting locked only showing 3 mercs
- Fixed issues with decks sometimes not repairing properly