Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #137: Stylish Backpack

Update #137: Stylish Backpack
Version Date
Sept. 5, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #137: Stylish Backpack

Day time, night time, the heisting must continue. And where do we put all of our loot? In our fancy new backpacks! With Update #137, we've taken a quick moment to add some cool new visual appearance options - the first 2 backpacks - fix an important map issue with hovertrucks pinning characters on rooftops, resolved issues with high level HTE/XTE grenades, fixed hotkey issues in the Talent bar, fixed E-Rifle bugs and more.

Thanks to everyone playing, posting and sharing feedback as we keep working on expanding Cyber Knights: Flashpoint. Hit us up with a review if you like the pace of our unique Early Access style!

No Soldier Community Challenge!

We're excited to share another community challenge, cooked up by the heisters over on Discord on @Liviana. The rules are simple and have a huge impact on the strategies you might employ in the game. It feels very different and it's a fun way to force yourself to push other classes into your main combat roles (if you were relying a lot on Soldier)!

We hope you'll check it out and join in on the fun.

Tactical Backpacks Deployed!

You can now pick from one of two optional backpacks to help give your heister that tactical feeling when they deploy to a heist. More outlandish and interesting options will be coming, and this will be a useful way for us to further visually differentiate enemy types from each other - but for the first dip, we've got 2 military style backpacks ready for your use.

And as one would want to do, you can even customize their primary and secondary colors to match your outfit all your other cool accessories. I'm loving the look and the weight it adds to the character models.

District HQ x Assassinate VP: Rooftop Fix!

A few players were finding their rooftop sniper character getting pinned on the rooftop in the District HQ level when the hover truck dropped. We've made some fixes to expand the size of the rooftop to help ensure that characters can't get stuck up there, boxed in by the hover truck. Thanks to everyone sending in F10s!

HTE vs XTE Grenades

These grenades were mixed up, basically both sharing the same effect from the HTE Grenade. We've resolved the bug, now pushing the Power Level XTE Grenade in a new direction. Its massive damage is balanced out by the size of the payload and how much less of a distance you can hurl it.

E-Rifle Ammo Stats

E-Rifles limited reload capacity was only being shown when it was the active weapon, otherwise it would be shown as 0/0. We've resolved that with this update, the 4/4 reloads per mission is now shown regardless of which weapon is selected.

Fighting Freezes

We're hot on the trail of 2 cases that can mysteriously cause the game to lock up. One persists that when an enemy starts to move, they may stop, revert to idle animation and the game locks up as it is sure they are still moving. The second is an enemy starts to throw a grenade it and it lands but nothing happens and the game locks.

Each update, we are adding more debug details to your F10s to help track these issues down. They are pretty rare, but if you do see them please F10 them right away! We are excited to crush out these last 2 cases and put this behind us :D

v1.8.83 - #137: Stylish Backpack - 9/5/2024

- Added new appearance option: Backpacks! Pick from 2 military feeling styles with more coming
- Fixed map issue on District HQ where your mercs could get pinned on the rooftop by VIP arrival
- Fixed issue with Item XTE Grenade using the ability from HTE Grenade, now its own grenade!
- Fixed issue with Talent hotkeys in the Talent bar sometimes going 0, 1, 3 and skipping a number
- Fixed issue with E-Rifle sometimes showing 0/0 for its limited reload stats
- Fixed issue with enemy grenade tosses sometimes locking up the game
- Improved text for confirmation dialogs on load/save