Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #138: Dusted CPU Spike

Update #138: Dusted CPU Spike
Version Date
Sept. 7, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #138: Dusted CPU Spike

Down below the level, the Knights and their teams are planning their next heist. Maybe Update #138 has your new heist in it! We've added a new proc-gen combo of an existing map and objective (Dusted Hover-Evac X Q-Gap Spike), improved the Sec Escalation rules for HI-POWER devices, buffed Prox Mines again, improved the visibility and consistency of HI-POWER Radar Arrays and Camers generating Heat, fixed a ton of small appearance clipping and positioning issues, improved performance on Trucker HQ and fixed 2 cases causing possible freezes on map (now, extremely rare).

We are hard at work expanding the game with both front-line releases (as seen here, new stuff today!) and bigger projects in the background (new shader for sight cones, translation project, a big story/mission dump for Treaty '31 Era) - so if you like what we're working on, our pace of updates, or just how we are running Early Access, we hope you will help us today by leaving a review.

Dusted Hover-Evac X Q-Gap Spike

With Update #138, we're following up on the good work of the major MAGNITUDE v2 milestone, and adding another proc-gen map and objective combination. Some of the maps, like Dusted Hover-Evac, Wreckspire, Urban HQ and Interchange H are all used in woefully few objectives (Siege, Assassin VIP) and so some of our next improvements to the variety in the system are to pull these maps into more objective offerings.

With Update #138, we've crossed Dusted Hover-Evac's exciting rooftop design with the Q-Gap Spike mission objective where you need to reach a protected CPU, spike it and escape. Once this is released, it looks like we will add Dusted Hover-Evac to 3 or 4 more proc-gen objectives quickly and then do the same for Wreckspire next. At that point, we'll start looking again at adding new maps.

Sec Escalations and HI-POWER

We've made a big rules change to how the Sec Escalation that upgrades devices to HI-POWER works. Previously, when the Escalation ran, it would upgrade 3-5 devices to HI-POWER, but it was a random set of devices, often this Radar Array, that Prox Mine and this Laser Fence. It made it hard to track what had really happened, where and why you should care.

The new HI-POWER Escalation simply upgrades all devices of a single type to HI-POWER. So, every laser fence in the facility suddenly jumps up to HI-POWER mode and does 80 Pure Dmg instead of 20. This can especially dangerous with Prox Mine fields, which (as discussed below) are also upgraded in damage. But the entire field (any that are currently active, not jammed) will upgrade to HI-POWER and cause a lot more damage.

To be clear, as stated above, jammed devices do not get upgraded. So, if you've got a Laser Wire knocked out and the Escalations sweeps through on Laser Wires, that jammed one is not affected. It is possible another Escalation will target it later.

Prox Mines (Dmg!) and Cameras (Heat!)

With this change to HI-POWER mode we've also upgraded Prox Mines damage to be higher. They are still causing Ballistic Damage which is blocked by your armor, so your tanks can soak it up and keep moving. They are a bigger threat to lighter armored targets. The upgrade is from 80 Ballistic to 100 Ballistic and when in HI-POWER mode, from 160 Ballistic to 200 Ballistic.

Previously, Cameras Radar Arrays could be upgraded to HI-POWER mode and once HI-POWER, any time they spotted a merc they would grant +1 Heat. This was poorly communicated, not shown correct in hovers and cameras were only rarely picked for upgrade to HI-POWER. With this update, they can accrue an extra +10 Heat for the level, so keep an eye out for HI-POWER Radar Arrays and Cameras even after things have gone loud.

Coming Soon: HI-POWER Visualization

With the new and dangerous affects of HI-POWER mode and the increased option for the Sec AI to amp up devices, we know the very next thing we need is a visual indicator of what devices are extra dangerous (extra crackling, hissing and spitting on the Laser Fence, changing in color or VFX) to help you spot them so you can make quick decisions about when to route around them, spend a charge to disable or just take the hit and run through them.

Era '31 Legwork

We've adjusted the dialog choices and chain at the introduction to the Treaty '31 Era to ensure that you can no longer exit the conversation until you've at least been offered the options to run the legwork there.

Appearance Improvements

We've developed a new authoring tool to help speed up the process of tweaking and improving how appearance options fit together. This has let us make some sweeping fixes to reduce clipping or misplaced accessories - fixing a ton of things from glasses to hair styles to the cybernetic forehead jack. Thanks to everyone posting F10s and with this new tool in hand, we're in a better position to add more appearance options to the game as they are easier to setup with all the different characters now.

Part of the changes to the appearance was to standardize the side of the head the cybernetic forehead jack is on - now it is on the left. It was previously not always on the same side, based on the individual head. If this new side doesn't fit your character design as well, please be patient with us as we will be rolling out the option to have it on the right soon along with some other face cybernetics.

Trucker HQ Performance

If you ever had performance issues on the Trucker HQ level or felt like it was running a bit slower than others, you were right! We've found and fixed a big bug in that level where a second, unauthorized game camera was rendering all the time, causing a major reduction in FPS. It runs much better right now!

Counter-Intel Hacking Missions

If you're getting missions from the Counter-Intel Pods, you'll notice a nice change - we've got icons now :D

v1.8.87 - #138: Dusted CPU Spike - 9/7/2024

- Added new proc-gen map and objective combo: Dusted Hover-Evac and Q-Gap Spike
- Sec Escalation HI-PWER Surge now upgrades all security devices of a specific type to HI-POWER (All laser meshes)
- Proximity Mines upgraded to 100 Ballistic Dmg and 200 Ballistic Dmg when HI-POWER
- Cameras and Radar Arrays correctly upgrade to HI-POWER and add +1 Heat when spotting from this state (max 8)
- Improved start of Treaty '31 Era to be clear that a legwork is an option
- Added missing icons to Counter-Intel pod token offer to start hacking mission
- Significant performance boost to Trucker HQ level which had mistakes which caused it to be slowest level in game
- Improved positioning of 40+ of appearance elements - hair, glasses, forehead plug cybernetic
- Fixed rare-but-possible freeze during enemy movement or enemy grenade throws
- Fixed strings that were broken in a push to prep for translation (Training, Wait for Recovery)