Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #139: Rapid Fire

Update #139: Rapid Fire
Version Date
Sept. 8, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #139: Rapid Fire

This is a quick Sunday night update - rapid fire from yesterday's to address a few hot button F10s and a real ugly missing string that cropped up in Hacking. We've also included some rebalance to yesterday's update for HI-POWER Escalation to ensure it is feeling right.

Thanks for your support during Early Access, helping us improve the game with your feedback and F10s and for leaving a review to help spread the word and bring more heisters to New Boston!

Scan Label Restored, other Labels Fixed too

First off, the Scan label in the Matrix was broken as of last release, making the matrix really hard to play! We've now resolved this, restoiring the "Scan 1/2" (etc) label in.

There have been a lot of labels broken and then rapidly fixed across the game in the last two weeks. We are quietly working on a bunch of upgrades, fixes and tweaks to get the game's codebase and string base ready to officially start translation. We are doing as much QA as we can, but a few minor breaks are slipping through. Thanks to everyone for F10'ing anything you see and helping us fix it quickly.

HI-POWER Escalation Rebalance

Last update was exciting for pushing the HI-POWER Escalation more into the Sec AI's meta (it has a meta! so meta!) but we received some F10s over the weekend showing cases where if it really upgraded all the devices of a single type to HI-POWER … it was drunk on power. Suddenly 15 Prox-Mines were HI-POWER. Too much!

So, last update we made a change to force HI-POWER to only upgrade a single type and to upgrade all the devices of that type. With Update #139, we've rolled back half of that. HI-POWER now always targets a single type of device (Laser Mesh, for example) and then upgrades a specific number of them, depending on the Sec AI type.

For the Sigma 5, 6, 7 and 9 Sec AI types - the count of HI-POWER devices goes 3, 4, 4, and then 5 at Sigma 9.

Currently, it is important to note (and not highlighted in the last update) that Gang and Syndicate Sec AI don't have the option to HI-POWER their devices. So, only a Milsec or Corp camera has the power to increase your Heat. We'll be working on further refining this, as it seems likely that we want Gangs and Syndicates to HI-POWER mines but not other devices types.

Wounded Status in Victory

We're now correctly showing Wounded status in the victory and defeat screens, so you don't have to check the roster afterwards. If a character is heavily injured, keep an eye out for the Wounded tag as well.

Wounded in Legwork

When consider which mercs to send on Legwork, who is Wounded is relevant. If a merc has a Wound, they get a warning on the right side of their Legwork entry now.

v1.8.89 - #139: Rapid Fire - 9/8/2024

- Victory summary screen correctly shows Wounded status as well as Injury time
- When considering mercs for legwork, their wounded status is also shown
- Adjusted rules of HI-POWER, not all devices but X of same type (4 Prox-Mines)
- Sec AI SIGMA 5, 6, 7 and 9 increasingly HI-POWER larger numbers (3, 4, 4, 5) of devices
- Reminder: only Sigma Sec AI can use HI-POWER Escalation, not gangs or syndicates
- Fixed "Matrix.Scan" bug in Matrix hiding the scan level