Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #140: Crumbling Parapets

Update #140: Crumbling Parapets
Version Date
Sept. 10, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #140: Crumbling Parapets

Knights and mercs - gather round. There is a new hotspot for looting in town at the old clinic. You know the one with the crumbling rooftop and the sniper hideout? Well, they've been stashing things there and we're about to get paid to hit it hard.

With Update #140, we've added 2 new proc-gen combos where you can run Scav or Lootbox Hunt missions on the Dusted Hover-Evac level, hit 40 proc-gen combos total now, better displayed consquences for skipping missions, sorted Legwork to the top fo dialog choices and improved Sniper's Strike Zone Talent to give more long-range Overwatch canceling options.

When we started Early Access, our intention was to provide continuous, nonstop improvement to the game without delays or long waits. If you think we're hitting the mark and like the direction the game is heading, remember to drop a review and tell a friend! Remember, you can always edit it later.

Dusted Hover-Evac gains 2 new Objectives

With Update #140, we've improved the map options for proc-gen objectives Scav and Lootbox Hunt to include the Dusted Hover-Evac level. Reaching the true tipping point for proc-gen map X objective saturation is still a long way off, but every addition to this helps push the game farther, reducing repetition in your proc-gen game play. We'll be adding one more objective type to the Dusted Hover-Evac map and then moving on to fill out some other maps that don't appear in enough objectives (Wreckspire followed by Interchange H).

The bug looked like this ^^ Now fixed!
We also fixed a bug with the Dusted Hover-Evac level wh1ere certain stretches along the rooftop had a invisible barrier that blocked sight and grenades. Now fixed!

Hitting 40 Proc-Gen Combos (Map X Objective)

With the 2 new proc-gen combos and adding Dusted Hover-Evac to the options for Scav and Lootbox Hunt missions objectives, we've now brought the total proc-gen combinations to 40. It's an exciting base camp 2 (post MAGNITUDE v2), but we're looking on to base camp 3, 4 and then the peak.

To break down the current combo allocation today -
  • There are 11 maps are used by proc-gen (Req Site, Trucker HQ, One-Ladder Sewer, Street Palisade, Corner Holdout, Slumroad Junction, Lockdown Station, Interchange H, Urban HQ, Wreckspire, Dusted Hover-Evac)
  • There are 10 objective types (Hack, File Hunt, Scav, Lootbox Hunt, Kill 3 Captains, Q-Gap Spike, Escort VIP, Assassinate VIP, Battle Striker and Siege)
  • The highest map variety is in Q-Gap Spike (8 maps) and Kill 3 Captains (7 maps)
  • Scav and Lootbox Hunt each have 5 maps
  • The September proc-gen goals look something like this: (1) to integrate Wreckspire, Urban HQ and Interchange H into 5 objective types each (total +11 new proc-gen combos, top 50 combos), then (2) add +2 new maps and (3) add +1 new objective

Mission Expiration Consequence Warning

We've added a clear warning to the mission expiration pop up about the consequences of such a choice. Your Contacts come to you with work they think only you and your team can complete, and if you can't step in and make it happen, thy have to go to their B-choice. If you ignore or refuse to work for a Contact, they will accumulate Exposure and negative Limit Breaks are coming there way. This can be one way to weaken a Contact, but if you're trying to build up a friend, it is important to help them out when they coming knocking at your door.

Sniper's Strike Zone Breaks Overwatch

Sniper's persistent map area debuff Strike Zone has been upgraded now to cancel enemy Overwatch when it is activated, giving the Sniper a powerful tool to help teammates at long distance for 0 AP without having to fire their rifle (3 AP). Alongside its powerful debuff, an enemy who has Overwatch up when the Talent is used will be knocked out of Overwatch stance. Notably, its rule states: "Cancels enemy Overwatch when first activated" which indicates that it doesn't prevent enemies in that area from re-activating Overwatch on a later turn.

If you haven't run one yet, check out all of the Sniper's powerful abilities on the wiki.

Legwork Always On Top of Dialog Options

To help ensure it is always most visible as an option, Legwork offers are now the top sorted response in any set of dialog choices. They used to fall at the bottom, below Accept / Delay / Reject but now are #1 always. It's a nice, minor change. Yay for polish!

Calibration Capture Leverage Duration

This leverage misstated its duration as 3 Turns when it was actually 2 - now corrected in text!

v1.8.91 - #140: Crumbling Parapets - 9/10/2024

- Added new proc-gen map and objective combo: Dusted Hover-Evac and Scav (loot everything!)
- Added new proc-gen map and objective combo: Dusted Hover-Evac and Lootbox Hunt (find 3 specific files!)
- Added warning to mission expiration confirmation that a Contact will gain +10% Exposure
- Sniper's Strike Zone Talent cancels enemy Overwatch when it is first activated (but does not prevent future OW)
- Corrected display of duration for Calibration Capture Leverage - first 2 Turns
- Legwork offers are always sorted to the top of dialog options
- Fixed issues along balcony in Dusted Hover-Evac map that blocked sight or grenade throw
- Fixed reported typos, thank you!