Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #141: Head Hunters Ride!

Update #141: Head Hunters Ride!
Version Date
Sept. 12, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #141: Head Hunters Ride!

This morning's update landing in the New Boston zone includes a pack of new appearance options - hairs and one mustache - and a big set of fixes that hit every F10 we've had reported about Head Hunters all in one go. We also fixed bugs with Cyberdecks needing repeat repairs, improved the rules around certain items (Patch X-Kit) to fix targeting bugs and improved issues in the Dusted Hover-Evac (which is now getting a lot of play)!

If you like how we run our Early Access - 3 days, 3 updates! - please take a moment to leave a review. We can't jam new proc-gen map combos every day, but we've got a constant drip of new for you. Let's dig in!

3 and 3 New Hairstyles + 1 Mean Mustache

We're excited to roll out some new hairstyle looks tonight with 6 new hairstyles in total. We've got one matching hairstyle (long dreads) and multiple hairstyles that allow for two color modifiers. It is always exciting to see the stack of possible visual appearances increase and these will be trickling into Contacts as well in future weeks.

We've got more coming this month with both facial piercings (lip, eye, nose) and more facial cybernetic enhancements.

Some of these larger / longer hair styles can clip with some of the outfits. While we've completed major upgrades on the lighting engine and character facial textures, we are excited someday to complete a big update on hair texturing. But today isn't that day :D

Finally, we've added a mustache and flat top haircut that can give some new cool looks, especially for military or milsec minded characters.

Also, among the set are the first dual color hairstyles that could be combined with beards, so we had to tweak a few things to make sure you're still controlling the beard and hair color through the primary hair color or by changing the beard. We may get to a point where we split beard off as truly a separate color control in the future.

Head Hunter Bug Smash!

Since their debut in July, we've been tracking a number of Head Hunter issues for resolution. Some of them have escalated recently with the big influx of new players and with the new spawning system changes. These infamous legendary Head Hunters will come after you when sent by a Contact who is seeking revenge for an unpaid debt or a wrong perpetrated by your team or Knight.

So, we've tackled them all at once and repaired any saved games automatically that had data issues. Here is the list of things we fixed for Head Hunters:
  • Sometimes there would be Head Hunter dialog and then no one would appear
  • Sometimes there would be Head Hunter dialog and then the Head Hunter would appear by themself
  • Sometimes there would be Head Hunter dialog that just said "ERROR MISSING QUIP"
  • Sometimes there would be Head Hunter dialog and the wrong Head Hunter would be talking
  • Sometimes a dead Head Hunter would talk or even appear on the map to take another swipe at you
  • Sometimes a Head Hunter would mock you with "Running worked last time" but this was the first time you ran into them

That was a big pile of interconnected little bugs. We had to do write some saved game cleanup (all automatic, no saved game very invalidated!) and fix some sloppy wiring with a few of the Head Hunter cases (specifically, Henninger) - but now it should all be working after Update #141.

Thanks to everyone for putting in the F10s! We couldn't do it without you.

Cyberdeck Repeat Repairs

We fixed a set of minor display issues around cyberdecks needing repeat repairs. This was a caching bug and generally going out to the main menu would fix it but now we are correctly purging the cache to make a deck repaired is always shown as repaired, even if held by a cached character.

Healing and Repairing Talents / Items

We've fixed a targeting limitation bug with repairing items or talents (like Patch X-Kit) or healing items (like medkits) that could sometimes refuse to operate if the current character's armor was undamaged or the current character did not need healing. All of these cases have been corrected to focus the check on the target of the ability, not the owner.

Dusted Hover-Evac Sewer

We've fixed an issue that was preventing sight lines and firing lines from crossing over the big central sewer depression in the Dusted Hover-Evac map. This had a big impact - sometimes to your benefit - but it was a major mistake on our part. Now fixed!

v1.8.93 - #141: Head Hunters Ride! - 9/12/2024

- Added 6 new hair options, 1 new mustache
- Fixed issues with Head Hunters including (1) dead Head Hunter appears (2) Head Hunter appears alone (3) no Head Hunters appear
- Fixed "ERROR MISSING QUIP" bug with some Head Hunters sent after you by Syndicate boss
- Fixed issues with Cyberdecks not always repairing correctly or Damaged tags hanging around
- Fixed issues with items healing or repairing armor's Protection Points rejecting use ("not needed")
- Fixed map issue in Dusted Hover-Evac where sewer pit was blocking lines of sight