Cyber Knights: Flashpoint

Cyber Knights: Flashpoint Update #142: Rooftop Hunt

Update #142: Rooftop Hunt
Version Date
Sept. 13, 2024

Patch Notes

Update #142: Rooftop Hunt

Update #142 wraps up this cycle of additions with the Dusted Hover-Evac mission map and will open the chapter on the next map getting a lot more play and objective options. While we're adding new proc-gen playable combos rapidly these weeks, we've also got a lot cooking at Trese Brothers HQ with a big content bundle (what is Warner-Braun up to?), a major feature set upgrade (sight cones and security visualization) and more.

With Update #142, we've added the Kill 3 Captains objective for Dusted Hover-Evac, fixed a mission victory bug with the Southie Strut story mission, fixed additional problems for older missions (created pre-Update #141) for Head Hunters, fixed a bug with Heat from HI-POWER Cameras, and fixed 2 more rare cases that could cause freezes in the game.

If you like the way we are conducting CKF's Early Access period and like how the game is shaping up, please take a moment to leave a review and help our small indie studio continue the work!

Theka awaits…

Kill 3 Captains at Dusted Rooftop

The Dusted Hover-Evac is everywhere! Three enemy captains may now have taken command of the rooftop and dug in. Maybe they know you're coming, they have arrayed their forces in a pretty defensive stance against an attack. Good luck, Knight. This is how you earn those U-Dahs.

With the team's big emphasis on content this season, we're continuing to push on proc-gen map X objective combinations, bringing the total now to 41. This pushes Dusted Hover-Evac to actually be the most used map, with 8 objectives that it can appear on.

The next step is to circle back to some of the really awesome maps (Wreckspire, Interchange H and Urban HQ) that only appear in 1 or 2 Objective types and bring them up to par. Bringing this set of 4 missions maps into the fold in a big way will drastically help reduce how many times you end up in the Sewer or the double bridge Trucker HQ. We're excited that we are on a path and moving forward consistently that will put the days of seeing the same map on repeat into distant memory.

Head Hunter Fixes

We fixed Head Hunters in Update #141, but it turns out our fix didn't cover all the cases of missions that were created before Update #141 went live. We've now further adjusted the code to better cover this out-of-date missions and to help you get the right Head Hunter talking and appear.

If you do have an old mission or a mission where the Head Hunters are already loaded in … you can Restore Before Mission back to the safehouse and rerun the whole mission or you can just play forward. This is resolve for future missions, if you've already got a borked or zombie HH on the ground, we can't save them.

Fixed HI-Heat from HI-POWER

A bug snuck through where you could earn more than +8 Heat from HI-POWER Cameras. This is now fixed with the maximum correctly applied. Apologies for anyone who got burned.

Fixed Southie Strut Victory

There was a bug with the Southie Strut path through the Herr Schweinchenn missions that could result in the team being trapped in the mission level and unable to go home to the safehouse even after all the enemeis were dead. "I just want to gooo hoooooome," wail the mercs.

Lol - we fixed it. Reload the game and you'll get victory and we cleaned it up for future games so that victory will appear immediately after killing the last enemy, nice like a Battle Striker.

Another Grenade Freeze

We found and fixed another freeze that could occur in the game when an enemy would try to throw a grenade. They'd stop their movement, not actually switch their weapons and then freeze. This has accounted for 50% of the 9 game freezes that have been reported since #138. Bugs that can cause the game to freeze are now very rare so we're continuing to isolate the few last causes and crushing them out.

Another one - if you were changing weapons and you started an attack in the middle of that animation, you could get a freeze. This is now fixed as well.

v1.8.95 - #142: Rooftop Hunt - 9/13/2024

- Added new proc-gen map and objective combo: Dusted Hover-Evac X Kill 3 Captains
- Fixed lingering Head Hunter issues for missions created before Update #141 (not appearing, wrong HH)
- Fixed mission bug with Southie Strut storyline, mission not always completing when all enemies dead
- Fixed bug that allowed Heat from HI-POWER cameras to exceed 8 (max)
- Fixed bug that could cause enemy turn to hang after movement before Bulwark, Patchmax or F-Duster tossed a grenade
- Fixed bug that could cause player turn to hang if started an attack in middle of switching weapon animation
- Fixed one hairstyle where you couldn't set secondary color